I need you like......5

472 26 1

Making a statement, heartbreaking words

The door opened and we stepped out, "There." Chris said as he pointed at a woman behind a desk. I headed toward the desk and glanced up at Slain who had his head down and feet on the silver bed he was on, his arms wrapped around his knees.

My heart skipped a few beats, hating the fact that he was in here and like this because of me. They couldn't killed him. Tears started to form in my eyes once again but I blinked them away. "Miss Clearwater, take a seat please." 

I snapped my head to the woman in front of me and nodded my head, my eyes still glancing at Slain who didn't even glance up. I took a shaky breath as I pulled back the chair and sat down, brushing my hands up and down my arms. "You can start now."

"I ohm." I glanced at Chris and turned back to the woman as I gulped down. "We were outside when the incident happened. Slain and I, we..." I trailed off, "We had a disagreement,-" The woman interrupted me, "What sort of disagreement?" She asked as she stopped writing.

"It's private." She nodded her head understandingly, "He grabbed my arm, wanting to talk about it and guard Chris here asked me if everything was okay. I told him that everything was fine and that I didn't have anything to say to Slain anymore. He...." I trailed off again.

"He grabbed me and guard Chris loaded his gun, pointing at him and telling him to let me go. He thinking that he was going to hurt me tried to protect me..." Chris jumped in when I said that, "She's lying, he was aggressive, had no self control, he wasn't trying to protect her, he felt threatening and got violent."

I banged on the desk as I stood up, "That's not true!" I turned to the woman writing, "I told him to stop shooting him and he did it anyway, his men shot him from everywhere! They even hold me, making him more aggressive. You caused this! You made him get violent." By now I was ready to snap guard Chris in half.

"He was already violent when you didn't want to talk to him, he couldn't accept the fact that you didn't want something to do with him. So you two were romantically involved? Hooking up? Were you two lovers?!" He shot me with questions getting agitated, our bodies pressed against each other, the woman writing everything down.

"That's none of your business! Am I here to make a statement for what just happened or telling ya'll about my sex life! You don't have the right to know who I fuck with because that's my business!" I dug my finger at his chest. "He didn't do anything wrong!" I turned to the woman writing, "I told him that he wouldn't hurt me but yet, he shot him. He wanted to break him! That was his plan! But my father will know about this." I barked out at him but he just grinned, thinking that it was funny.

I scoffed at him, bumping my way past him. "You're not done ." I glanced up and down at him, snubbing him. "You can't talk to him." Chris told me as he grabbed my hand, I yanked my hand away from his grip and turned around.

"Watch me." I stepped toward the cell and placed my hand on the glass. "Slain." I called out but he didn't glanced up. "Why is is bleeding? They didn't heal him?!" I turned around as I barked out at them. "My father will know about this! This is an abuse of authority! Where is this damn doctor? The principle will know about this."

"He didn't want to be healed, he pulled his bullets out and stayed like that ever since." The Campus doctor said and I turned around, putting both of my hands on the glass. "Please Slain, let them heal you." I stepped back when he glanced up, his eyes pitch black as he narrowed his eyes at me dangerously.

"I love you." He surprised my by saying, "And if I have to die to yank out this love, I swear to you that I will yank it out and I will hate you Live, until I manage to forget about you. And when that happens, when I manage to feel nothing for you, I will choose someone else, but I swear to you Live, that I will never love again, never again."

I Need You Like You Need Me (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now