I need you like......14

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A little reminder 

I turned around on my heels, crossing my arms as I glared at him, "No thank you, you're not worth my time." I raised one shoulder at him before turning back around and completely ignore him. "So you're going to ignore me?"

I continued to dance unbothered, "I guess we'll never know how we fucked for the first time." I widened my eyes at that, that bastard. I pinned my hands into fists as I took a deep breath, turning around before I flung my fist at him. 

He grabbed my fist and I swung the other one, groaning when he grabbed it and whirled me around, my own arms crossed in front of me as he held me tightly against him, my back against his front as I moved away from him when he leaned into my ear.

"You're an asshole!" I squirmed against him, that jerk using my own arms against me. "So I've been told, until I had you beneath me." He whispered in my ear, making me go still. "Can we dance now?" I nodded my head at him, his hands slowly loosening their grip. 

When I was out, I turned around and hit him between his legs. "Of course babe, but when you're at my level." I walked past him angrily, ignoring his painfully laugh. "Live, don't be like that." I walked toward the bar and ordered myself another drink.

"That wasn't necessary." He whispered in my ear as he pressed behind me, his hands on each side of me. "Want me to hit you again?" I spoke sassy, thank the bartender for my drink. "Can I turn around?" He gave me space for me to turn around but pressed against me once again.

"Slain, what do you want?" He touched my chin, my eyes glancing up at him as my chest hovered up and down. His fingers tipped down my chin as he scurried my hair off my shoulder, touching my neck. "Don't hide your mark, I want everyone to know that you belong to me."

I widened my eyes at that, tilting my head down to see my neck. He brushed it slightly, my body shivering as a soft moan escaped my mouth. I yanked his hand away from my neck, pushing him away. "You can run away from me Live, remember what happened last time you ran away. I chose someone else."

I whirled around, "Well chose another one! I don't care, what we had or whether is just in your head. I don't know what you did to me but you need to stop playing with my head. Leave me alone, you're a fucking stalker."

He scoffed, shaking his head as he grabbed me, "I think you need a reminder." I rolled my eyes at him, "I'm taking you to campus." He snatched my hand and dragged me toward the back door. 

I'll take you back to campus. He told me seriously and I burst into laughter, but his face stayed dead serious. Slain is something else, he is a big male in every department but with some mayor loose neurons. I mean, no one, I mean no one direct my life. I'm my own director.

Ohm, If you didn't get the memo Slain. I'm done with you, you don't get to decide what to do. I'm going back to Campus with who I came with and who I came with it's not you. You have girls over there don't you." I rolled my fingers behind him, "Go to them and leave me the fuck alone.

No. He grabbed my arm and yanked me closer, Now, you're going back to Campus with me. Let's go. How dare he? I gasped like a fish out of water after that water head dragged me through the crowded club and toward the back exit.

I yanked away from him and stalked away angrily, Ah! I screamed loudly when I was picked from behind, Slain turning me like I weight nothing as he threw me on his shoulder, his hands around my lower back, bum and thighs.

Put me down Slain! I barked out at him furiously, You son of a bitch. I kicked my legs wildly and pounded my fists on his back as he walked us through the dark alley. Sounds of cars could be heard as he got out of the alley and on the sidewalk.

I Need You Like You Need Me (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now