I need you like......6

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What goes around comes around

I ignored them and put my soap and shampoo on the wall, removing my towel as I hung it. I turned on the handle and let the water pour down on me, my hands resting on the wall. He choose someone else, my chest heaved up and down.

I wanted him to choose someone else but why does it hurt? "Ah, there's a rumor going around that you two were hooking up. Sad he chose me and not you?" I glanced up, my lips pinned and eyes glaring hard at the wall.

"Payback's a bitch you know." She continued behind me but I ignored her, minding my own business as I washed my body. "I will be the Luna of his pack, how does that makes you feel?" I soaped my body as I cocked my head side to side, soaping my neck.

The water washed the soap away and I shampooed my hair, brushing my scalp. "I'm talking to you." I washed off the shampoo from my hair and gripped the handle as I turned it around, closing it. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body, gabbing my things as I walked past her, not wanting to be here anymore.

But when I walked past her, I couldn't help but say. "Good look loving him, because he will never love again." I whispered into her ear as I walked out of the shower, heading toward my locker and placed my things inside, pulling out an outfit to wear.

I put my bra and panties on, slipping my shirt on and stepped into my sweatpants. "You wish he wouldn't, he was just using you. Now that he didn't pick you and picked me, you're mad?" I scoffed at that, putting my matching hoodie on.

I closed my locker and turned around, busting into laughter as I shook my head. "If only you knew that you were a rebound. Why did you think the incident happened in the first place? He told me he choose me and I rejected his choosing. Then he told me that he will choose someone else but he would never love again, never."

I know that I was being a bitch about it but she was coming off way too cocky about it. I turned around and stopped my dirty clothes and towel in my dufflebag, swinging it on my shoulder. "Good luck being Luna." I blew her a kiss as I headed toward the door and headed out of the locker room.

I walked through the hallways as I headed toward my dorm, opening my door as I got in. I tossed my dufflebag on the bed and turned around as I dumped myself on the bed, yanking the pillow over my face as I screamed loudly in it.

I felt a relief after, feeling the stress washing away. I raised one eyebrow as I leaned down the pillow when the door was knocked, I sat up and pushed myself up from the bed as I headed toward the door.

I opened the door and frowned at the person in front of me, "Mr. Stork?" I leaned against the door frame as I stared at the Warriors teacher. "Is there something wrong?" I asked him with confusion written all over my face.

"I, ohm I need a favor." My face turned more confused at that, what kind of favor would Mr Stork ask me for? "Do you know the cafeteria lady?" I nodded my head, of course. She was her mate. "I want to ask her to marry me and I know that you have a great creativity and I thought that you could help me pull a proposal."

Aw, it's so sweet. "I don't know Mr. Stork..." I trailed off as he looked at me with pleading eyes, making me sigh. "Fine, I will find something. I'll let you know Mr Stork." I told him with a short smile on my face.

"Thank you Clearwater, I own you one." He told me a bit excited as he nodded his head, "Don't thank me yet Mr Stork." I told him as he nodded his head, stepping back. "See you later Miss Clearwater." He told me as I closed the door.

What did I get myself into? I sighed, heading toward my bed. The door was knocked again and I sighed, what did he want now? I groaned, turning around as I went to the door. I yanked it open with a roll of an eye, "Mr Stork I......" I stopped dead in tracks when Slain was the one who was standing their.

I Need You Like You Need Me (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now