I need you like......2

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A connection beyond sex

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at the hand as I glanced up to see the person in the eyes, "Where are you going?" I scoffed, shaking my head as I yanked down my arm from his grip. He glanced down when I did that and grabbed my hand again and I did the same thing again.

"Don't touch me, and what is it to you? Don't you have company?" I asked him with shrugged shoulders, "I came on my own honey, and I'll leave, on my own." I did hand gestures as I turned around to leave.

"I'll take you back to campus." He told me seriously and I burst out into laughter, but his face stayed dead serious. Slain is something else, he is a big male in every department but with some mayor loose neurons. I mean, no one, I mean no one direct my life. I'm my own director.

"Ohm, If you didn't get the memo Slain. I'm done with you, you don't get to decide what to do. I'm going back to Campus with who I came with and who I came with it's not you. You have girls over there don't you?" I rolled my fingers behind him, "Go to them and leave me the fuck alone."

"No." He grabbed my arm and yanked me closer, "Now, you're going back to Campus with me. Let's go." How dare he? I gasped like a fish out of water after that water dickhead dragged me through the crowded club and toward the back exit.

I yanked away from him and stalked away angrily, "Ah!" I screamed loudly when I was picked up from behind, Slain turning me like I weight nothing as he threw me on his shoulder, his hands around my lower back, bum and thighs.

"Put me down Slain!" I barked out at him furiously, "You son of a bitch." I kicked my legs wildly and pounded my fists on his back as he walked us through the dark alley. Sounds of cars could be heard as he got out of the alley and on the sidewalk.

He slid his hand in his jeans and unlocked his car, opening the door. He removed me from his shoulder and placed me in the front, hooking the safety belt before glaring at me. "If you do one more childish thing, I'm going to spank you."

"Aw, I'm so scared. Look how I'm trembling Slain. You're so scary and meany, I'm peeing my skirt." I mocked in a taunting voice as I touched his chin, his hand yanking my hand away with an angry growl. "Aw, did I piss you off baby?"

"Live, don't test my patient." I pouted mockingly and laughed after he slammed the door and rounded the car. I took the safety belt off and before I could flee, he opened the door and got in. I groaned, hooking back the safety belt. I had heels on and I knew that if I run, he'd catch me with no effort needing so I won't ruin my Louis Vuitton shoes.

He started the engine and drove out of the parking spot, the ride silence and quiet, no one said a word, well until I saw that he was going somewhere else. "Slain, take me to Campus now!" I barked out at him as I turned on the seat, taking my safety belt off as I glared at him.

"We're going to Campus." I sighed in relief, "But later." I gaped, ready to open the door and jump out of the car but I decided against it. Taking a deep breath instead, I pinned the bridge of my nose to calm myself down because if not, we would fight, and not with insults but physically.

"Slain, please. We're not going anywhere, this, is not going anywhere. So how about, we forget the whole, I sleep with you thingy and just move on." I told him as if it was simple, but it wasn't. What we have is beyond sex and we both knew it. We just needed each other, to be close.

We could just go in for sex but at the end just lay there with our clothes on just in each other's embrace. We were complicated, we both don't want commitment, we get jealous easily and we don't back down for each other. That's why we're not going anywhere.

I Need You Like You Need Me (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now