I need you like......8

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Seeing everything much clearer now

When I woke up, I wasn't in my dorm at Campus. I was in my room in my house and pack territory. It's been a while since I slept in this room, seeing that I don't go home on the weekends.

Instead, I spent it rolling in the sheets with Slain or parting with Shadira. I sighed, removing the sheets from me as I stood up and walked toward the bathroom. I frowned, the balcony door slightly open.

I walked toward the balcony door instead and moved the curtains a bit to see Slain staring at the view before him. I opened the door wider and got out, walking to stand besides him. "What are you doing here? How did you even get permission to come if it isn't the weekend yet?"

"I have my ways, I thought you needed someone." He replied back as he tilted his head up, his arms resting on the railing. I looked away, he's been good to me and I haven't been good to him. After everything we've been through he's here with me.

"Thank you," I turned around to face him. "Thank you for being here for me." I grabbed his hand with a squeeze. He sighed and turned around, pulling me into a hug. I rested my head on his chest as I hugged him tightly.

"I know it's not the right time but...." My uncle voice interrupted us, "Sorry to interrupt." My uncle said as he cleared his throat, "Live, your father's funeral will take place in the afternoon." I nodded my head when my uncle said that and pulled away from Slain.

"Okay, I'll take a shower." I walked past him and made my way toward the slide door, heading inside as I walked to the bathroom. I went to the sink to brush my teeth and when I was finished I removed my clothes, stepping into the shower.

I closed the door and turned on the handle, the water pouring down my body. I soaped my body and let the water washed it away as I turned off the handle, stepping toward the door as I opened it.

Shit, I forgot to pick a towel in my closet. "Ohm, Slain?!" I called out as I poked my head out of the shower. He appeared in a few seconds with a frown on his face, "Can you bring me a towel? They are in my closet."

He nodded his head and disappeared from my side, and in seconds he was back with a towel in hand. "Thank you." I took the towel from his hand and wrapped it around my body, stepping out.

I dried my body and walked out of the bathroom, heading toward my closet as I dumped my towel on the floor. I opened my drawers to grab my underwear and put them on. What am I going to wear? I wasn't prepared for this, I don't have a black dress, I mean. I just, I can't. I put my hand in front of my face as tears coated my eyes, inhaling deeply with a sniff.

I jumped slightly when I felt hands on my back before I was turned around, "I can't do this Slain, I just can't. How did he think that I could be strong enough to handle this? I can't, I'm not strong, I'm a mess. You know it Slain, you know how much my father meant to me. I can't handle it."

Slain pulled me closer as he held me tightly as I cried in his arms, my arms finding their way over his as I pulled him closer, my hands grasping his shirt. "Please stay with me, I can't do this on my own."

"You don't have to do this on your own." He whispered back to me and I pressed my eyes close, tears running down my face as I sniffed. He shushed me, his hands running up and down my back comfortingly.

He felt so warm, his body against me bringing me comfort as our hearts beat in sync, singing the same melody. I inhaled deeply, exhaling back as I enjoyed the warmth of his body. He felt so right, so safe. But yet, I couldn't stop myself from thinking these thoughts.

Could we make out something out of sex? Can we make a relationship that started with sex at first? Would we last? I want something for a long term, can we make it? I lifted my head as I glanced up at him, his eyes on me as I stared back at him.

I Need You Like You Need Me (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now