Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Brooklyn McKnight

Dedicated to: My twin sister, Brooklyn


I do not understand or remember how I got into this situation, all I knew was ......I had to survive. 


I slipped into the room, silently gliding to the window to check for any intruders. No one was in sight. I snorted and rolled my eyes, of course no one was out, it was 2:00 in the morning. Not to mention the fact that all the TV's and radio's in the city showed warnings of Rebel attacks. I breathed a sigh of relief, slowly sliding my dagger back into its sheath.

My earbud began beeping frantically, making me jump and reach for my dagger. I personally would have liked to go on this mission without all of the fancy gadgets... but of course General Bakkel insisted on making me wear what he called the "required uniform for a warrior." I would hardly call myself a warrior, but he had insisted, and considering that he was the General, I knew I had to go along with it. 

I reached up and pressed on the earbud answering the call. " Kaline, There is a group of men heading into the West entrance, we think they are the Rebels, make sure you are prepared for them." Brannon said through his microphone. Brannon was one of my allies, and one of my friends on this mission but he showed no emotion while sending me this message. He took his job very seriously, and this made me laugh. "Calm down soldier," I said through a grin. " I have everything under control." Ending the call, I quickly grabbed my weapons off of the old table that was in the middle of the Dining room and ran out the door into a creaky hallway. 

The hallway was covered in shimmery silk white spider webs and the walls were a faded blue, hinting that someone, somewhere had once taken care of this old place. The ceiling was made of criss-crossed wooden bars giving the entire hallway an empty and abandoned feel. As I continued to head down the hall, the floor boards squeaked and snapped dangerously. This place was obviously  ancient, which was why it was the perfect place for the Rebels to hide.

Not wanting to attract unwanted attention, I slid a hand against the wall and carefully pulled my self up onto one of the wooden bars, hanging onto them so that I wouldn't slip. Slowly I began progressing towards the stairs.

The main goal of this mission was to defeat and capture the Rebels, it was a pretty simple task, and that was why General Bakkel agreed to let me do the job. The Rebels are a group of people that are against the way the nation is governed or as Brannon likes to describe it,"The Rebels don't listen and hate being told what to do, especially by the Council of Sovran, so they organized themselves, and began plotting  the Nations murder." My job as a warrior and soldier is to protect the Nation by putting an end to the Rebel attacks. Not many people have the privilege of becoming a warrior, and that was why I was shocked when I received a letter a few years ago from General Bakkel requesting me as a warrior.

If I had to describe myself it would be pretty basic, I am short (around 5 feet 4 inches tall to be exact) with dark brown hair that reached my shoulders. The only unique thing about me was my eyes, which were ice blue with a gold ring in the middle. You could say I was fit, considering the fact that I worked out and exercised twice a day. 

Snaking my way across the ceiling while balancing on the wooden bars, I approached my destination. The stairs. Brannon had told me that this was the entrance The Rebels were coming through, so all I had to do was sit, and wait for them to come. There was no way that these Rebels were getting away from me.


Thank you guys so much for reading my very first chapter of my very first book!! I can't believe that I am actually writing a book:)  I hope you all will enjoy the journey of Kaline!

1) What do you think of Kaline?

2) What do you think will happen next? 

Leave your comments, and write any feedback you have!! Thanks!! Love, Bailey McKnight

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