Chapter 13

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I grab the wax spray violently and spray it onto the floor, grumbling to myself. I am sitting on the floor on one of the boys dorm rooms, cleaning their floor. 

After Tori and I were late to training yesterday, Lambert punished us by making us wash and wax all of the floors in the dorm and training building. What Tori and I found out was that this was the worst possible punishment. There were so many rooms in this building and most of them belonged in the dorms. It was absolutely disgusting. 

"How is it possible that we have only been in these dorms for a little more than a week and these floors are this dirty?" I ask, holding up a rag covered in dirt and slime. "Kaline, there are worse things to worry about than dirty floors." Tori giggles, throwing another towel at me. 

Even after being punished, Tori is as cheerful as ever.  My mood, on the other hand has gone down hill. I am super ornery and grumpy. 

"Kaline." I jump up as Lambert walks into the room. "I want you and Tori in my office in five minutes." He looks at both of us, making me feel very uncomfortable. "Yes sir." We salute. 

When Lambert turns around I mimic him, scrunching my eyebrows up, folding my arms, and pretending to get after Tori. She laughs loudly and then slaps a hand over her mouth. Lambert whips around and glares at the both of us. "Five minutes. You better be on time." He turns around and leaves without another word. 

We both wait a few seconds to make sure he is gone and then burst out laughing. Tori's blonde hair bouncing as she laughs. 

*                       *                       *                           *                   *

I sit down in a soft cushioned black chair. Lamberts office is not nearly as nice as General Bakkels. The walls are a dark red, with bookshelves covering most of the space on the walls. There are also a few gold rimmed pictures hung up. I study one from my seat. In the picture there is one girl looking up to the sky. Half of her face is dark and sad, with black hair and burned trees in the background. The other half of her face is bright and happy, with blonde hair and animals and live trees in the background. 

I realized that this picture somewhat represented me. I was bright and happy here with the Rebels and that is how I want them to see me. Bright and happy. But I also have my dark side which is hiding away, the fact that I will at some point betray all of my friends here makes me sick. That is my dark side, having to betray my friends, but it is for a better purpose. The Nation has to be safe, and the only way to do that is to get rid of all Rebels.

I shake away that train of thought. That is not something I want to think about right now. 

"Kaline." Lambert greets me as he walks over to his desk and sits down. "I will get straight to the point, I will tell you the same thing I told Tori, If you are late again, you will be kicked out of training, is that clear?" I was not expecting this. "Sir, I..." I trail off because I can not think of anything to say in reply. "Yes sir" I mutter, standing up to leave. 

"And Kaline.." I stop and look at him. "You have potential to become something great, you just have to work hard and stop messing around." 

I was surprised to hear the compliment. "Thank you sir." I say. I turn around and leave his office.


Thanks for reading!!!

SO SORRY!! I know a couple of these chapters have been late! School just started again so i am a little busier than usual! I will try to keep posting every day but a couple more chapters might be late;)

1) Why do you think Kaline related to the picture so much?

2) Who would you like Kaline to fall in love with?

Thanks a ton!

Love, Bailey McKnight

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