Chapter 17

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After three hours of preparation and planning, everything was ready. 

A little while after allowing Gavin and his brother to come up with a plan, they began to tell each of us exactly what to do. 

My instructions for them were simple. I was supposed to set up a cozy camp for our group. That way if any of the other teams crossed our path... they would know that this area was already taken by another team. As the rest of my group members left to do their part of Gavin and Terrance's plan, I began gathering up all of our supplies.  

All together, our entire group managed to grab three daggers, one blanket, a long rope, a sword, a backpack full of water and food, and a box of matches. Immediately I knew that we could make a fire. Not only did we have the matches to start one, but it would keep us warm, and provide us with light. 

"Where on earth am I going to find wood for a fire in this maze?" I thought to myself. After pondering this question for a minute, I decided to just walk around our designated camp spot and look for some wood. 

I stood up and brushed my pants off, placing the match box into the backpack with all of our supplies, and pulled the backpack around my shoulders. After I made sure everything was okay in our camp, I began walking around looking for wood. 

*                         *                             *                             *

I whipped my head around just in time to see Tatia and her group coming through the right entrance. 

I had been searching for wood to start a fire in our camp for about 20 minutes, and my arms were still empty.  I must have wandered a bit too far, because here I am face to face with Tatia's group. 

"Hey there Kaline!" Tatia said cheerfully, leading her group to form a circle around me. "What are you doing?" she asked innocently. "Oh I was just trying to find wood for a fire." I sighed honestly. Her group members were shifting around nervously, glancing between Tatia and I. Soon, I noticed that something was off with the way she was looking at me. Quickly, I recognized the gleam in her eye as determination.   I sat there confused for a few seconds before it clicked. 

"Taita.... why is your group surrounding me?" I ask, trying to sound as confident as possible. I may have been a new solider for the Nation, and a new RAN agent, but I did know the look of determination and greed in her groups eyes. 

"I am so sorry Kaline." Tatia whispered softly, as she turned and nodded to a tall male in her group. 

The next thing I know he was running straight at me... and everything went black.

*                 *                     *                        *

Hello guys! I am so sorry about not writing in a while! 

Thanks for reading this chapter! 

1) How do you think Gavin and Terrance's plan is going to work out?

2) What do you think happened to Kaline? 

Thanks again for reading! 

Comment below your answers and any feedback you have!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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