Chapter 5

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I pulled Tatia's hands urgently. "Come on! We're going to be late!" It had taken Tatia two and a half hours this morning to pack, and now we are five minutes away from being late for our appointment with the General. Tatia and I are leaving this morning to go join the Rebels. 

"Kaline!" I turn around to find Brannon running to catch up with us. We wait patiently for him to catch his breath. "Kaline, I wish you luck on your mission... "He pants. "And you two," He looks each of us in the eyes fiercely. "Please, Please be safe." Before he could say anything else we arrived at the General's door.

*                              *                                 *                                 *                                

"I will let you two out of the car about two miles away from what we assume to be the Rebels main base." Perrel tells us. Perrel is the man who is in charge of driving Tatia and I to our destination. After he drops us off, we are on our own. The only thing we have to communicate with the General is a micro-chip that both Tatia and I have implanted in our ears. If we have any vital information that he needs to know all we have to do is press our ear lobes and it will immediately connect a call to him. Perrel had also given us clothes to change into so we would bled in better with the Rebels, along with a brand new wardrobe that will help us look just like Rebels. I am wearing black skinny jeans and a loose fitting white T-shirt with a old popular band name on it. To top it off I was wearing a black leather jacket. Tatia is wearing green camouflaged pants and a Black tank top. She also had a pair of black sunglasses on. 'Even with a simple outfit on Tatia looks gorgeous.'

The Rebels were really quite poor, compared to the rest of the nation. In the Nation, the casual wear is a classy diamond dress with heels.  Which is why I am completely shocked that Tatia looks as beautiful as ever.

"We are approaching our destination, you girls have about 1 minute until you have to get out." Suddenly I could't stand anymore. I slid my back against the wall and sat down with a jolt. "I can't do this, What was I thinking, I cannot do this." I mutter. I put my head  in between my knees. I feel nauseous. "I think I am going to be sick." I groan. Tatia rushes over to me, and puts a comforting hand on my back. "Honey, you need to calm down, " She tells me. "We are going to die on this mission." Is what I keep telling myself. "We are not going to die on this mission." Tatia replies. "Now stand up it's time to go. She pulls me up so that we are standing side by side. She grabs her bag and hands me mine. "Now let's go kick some Rebel butt!" 


Thanks for reading!!

1) How so you think Tatia and Kaline are feeling right now?

2) Would you be brave enough to go on a mission like this?

thank you, Thank you!!

Love, Bailey McKnight

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