Chapter 12

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"Kaline, Get up! It's almost time for us to leave for training!" Tatia shouts, pulling my bed covers off of me. 

I groan and roll out of bed. My entire body hurts from yesterdays training.

Lambert had all of us climb up some ropes. At first I thought it would be easy to do, but when I began climbing I soon learned that it was, in fact, extremely difficult. You had to pull your way up the rope with your arms and feet, and if you slipped, the rope would burn your hands. I was one of the last people up the rope, and of course Tatia was the first person to reach the top. 

I drag myself over to our bathroom, turn the sink on, and splash my face with water to wake myself up. We have been training for exactly two weeks. Tatia and I both sent a message to General Bakkel to let him know our situation. We would not be able to learn very much about the Rebels until we finish training. 

"Kaline!" Tori stomps into the bathroom and grabs my hand. "You have to get moving! We have to leave or we will be late!" This immediately woke me up. I run out of the restroom and quickly change into my uniform. "Lets go!" I tell Tori, heading out the door. I notice that Evlyn and Tatia have both left already. 

We race down the stairs, through the metal halls and straight through the double doors that open into the training room. 

"You will get..." Lambert trails off as he notices Tori and I standing by the doors. "Well..Well What do we have here?" He says slowly walking over to us. "I would personally like to thank you two for being the examples of what happens when you late to training." Lambert grabs both of us by the arms and drags us to the middle of the floor. "You will each be doing 400 pushups, 120 pull-ups, 28 laps, and you will also wash and wax every floor in this building. I don't not tolerate kids being late." I look over at Tori. She is staring at the floor, stone faced. I can't help but feel like this is all my fault. 

"Sir because, This is not Tori's fault. I woke up late, she was late because of me." I tell him. 

"Did she choose to be late?" He asks.

"She stayed to..." I mutter, realizing that he was right. Tori did not have to stay with me. She could have gone ahead with Evlyn and Tatia. 

"She chose to be late, therefore she will be punished." Lambert looks at the rest of our group, who are standing in a single file line. I lean forward and spot Evlyn and Tatia at the end of the line. They both look at me with sympathy. 

"Come on Tori, let's get started." I say, glaring at Lambert. 

I had no idea Lambert would be so strict. This was going to be a long 6 months.


Thanks for reading!!

1) Do you think Lambert is being to0 strict?

2) Why do you think Tori stayed instead of leaving with Evlyn and Tatia?

Thanks bunches!

Love, Bailey McKnight

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