Chapter 9

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Before Evlyn could say anything more, a man burst into the room. The first thing I notice about the man is how short he is. I would guess he is only 5 feet tall. Along with being extremely short, he is bald, with grey eyes. He is wearing the same uniform everyone else in the room was, Grey shirt and black pants. On his shirt, there is a pin that reads, Lambert. That must be his name. "Who is this?" He asks, gesturing to me angrily.  Clearly this man is in charge. I can tell by the way everyone in the room stiffened when he came in. Evlyn opens her mouth to reply, but the handsome young man beats her to it.

"This is..." He trails off when he realizes that he does not know my name. "Kaline." I answer. "My name is Kaline." The young man continues. "This is Kaline and she is one of our new agents." He looks at me, silently warning me to go along with his lie. "Yeah... I am.. a..a new agent. Me and my friend Tatia are.. are both new agents." I stutter out the lie.

Lambert studies me with a careful eye. "Alright I want you and everyone else ready for training in the next hour." He looks around at all of us in the room before leaving. 

The young man approaches me."It's nice to meet you Kaline. I am Laker." I stare at him confused. He laughs. "I thought I should just get that over with before we start training together."  I look at him again, still confused. "Wait what, why are you helping us?" I ask. Evlyn pipes us. "Lambert cannot find out that I let you into our Headquarters without his permission. I will get into huge trouble. So Laker, he lied and said you and your friend where new agents. That was the only way we would be able to explain why you are here. We have to go along with the lie.... or we all will be in huge trouble. That means you have to stay here and become part of our team. You are going to have to train to become  RAN agents.

*                     *                        *                          *                            *         

"Tatia, this is exactly where we want to be right?" I ask. We are currently sitting in my new bedroom Laker and Evlyn got both Tatia and I an apartment to share, so we have a place to stay while we are training. Our room is a tiny bit too small, with one bed, one bathroom and a small kitchen, but it will have to do.

"Yes! This is perfect!" She laughs. "We are in the middle of the Rebels right now. This is the position General Bakkel wants us to be in, so this is where we will be staying for the next couple of months." 

We have to be dressed and ready for our first day of training in an hour, so I grab my bag and begin changing into the uniform that Laker gave us to wear. 

"The trick to under cover missions, Kaline, is to blend in. So watch and copy how the others behave. It is called adapting." Tatia tells me. "We have to be careful, one wrong move and we will be caught."

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