Chapter 2

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Her head snapped up as the Rebels stormed their way up the stairs. Kaline immediately slid her dagger out and with her other hand she reached behind her back to grasp a gun. Within seconds she was fully prepared for any fight the Rebels would put up. The screen I was watching her on showed every single one of her movements in detail. It was hard for me to believe that just a few years ago she hardly knew what a dagger was.

"Brannon!" General Bakkel shouted. "Call Kaline and tell her that we do not want to harm the Rebels we just want to Capture them..." General Bakkel was a tall, lean man with light gray hair and dull  brown eyes. Even though he was an average looking man, maybe in his mid forties, he certainly was not an average General.

Bakkel was one of the few men, that whenever he walked into a room you knew immediately he was in charge, and Bakkel was not someone you would want to mess with. "Yes sir" I replied, while grabbing my microphone that was around my neck and began pressing buttons to connect a call to Kaline.

As a Technology 5-star graduate, or as Kaline likes to call it , "a Tech-geek", I was always in charge of sending and receiving calls, or basically taking care of any technology situations on all of Kaline's missions. I was of course not the only tech-geek in the compound, but I had the best relationship with Kaline, which meant she would accept orders from me better than most anyone else.

I chuckled to myself remembering the last mission we sent Kaline on, but on this certain mission we had assigned a different Tech-geek named Gabe instead of me to give orders to Kaline. That, as you can imagine turned out to be a huge mistake, given the fact that not only did she disobey every order Gabe gave her, but that Gabe was currently still in remission for the beating he got when she came back.

Kaline had a strong will and was surprisingly stubborn for such a small girl. She hated being told what to do by anyone, which is why General Bakkel requested me to become her permanently assigned Tech-geek. She responded to me better because we were friends, and listened to what I had to say.

"Kaline, Do not harm any of the Rebels, Please!" I said through my mic, I could see a small glint of anger in her Icy eyes through the screen, and I knew if I didn't say something fast, that anger would grow. The only response I got in return was a small grunt of agreement before she took off down the stairs, coming face to face with some of the Rebels.

"Hello" was the greeting Kaline gave them before they broke out in battle. Watching the way Kaline carefully swung her dagger, bringing down more and more men,  I knew that these Rebels didn't stand a chance.


Thanks again for reading my book!! Hope you continue to enjoy reading my book as well!

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