Chapter 4

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"What?" Brannon and Tatia both shouted in unison. "How can he ask you of all people to do a mission like that?" Brannon huffed. To an outsider that might sound like an insult but to me it showed that he cared. 

My life was, and still is quite ... difficult. When I was 8 years old, my parents went missing. Literally, I just woke up one day and they were gone. The only clue I had to where they were taken was a pin. A Rebel pennant. I had found it lying next to their bed. That was why I was here today, because I knew it was the Rebels that took my parents, and I wanted nothing more but to find them. This job was my best chance at doing that.

That was why Brannon was so angry. He was angry because the General asked me to go live with the people that took my parents. Not only that but it is a dangerous mission.

I walk over to where Brannon was sitting with his head in his hands. 'How did I get so lucky to have a friend like him?' Brannon was what I would call a nerd. He is tall with short cropped brown hair. He wears thick rimmed black glasses that help him see. He has a very angular and yet a kind face. His eyes were like looking into the jungle, with green and gold and blue all mixed together. I reached to take one of Brannon's hands in mine. "He asked me to go on the mission because he knew I would not be easily persuaded to join the Rebels side. Living with someone for so long, eventually you're right and your wrongs get mixed up, especially when you're living with the enemy. The General knew I had a reason to learn and betray the Rebels. He knew I wouldn't give into them." I reply softly. I feel like I am trying more to convince myself than Brannon. 

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"I'll do it" I confirmed, slamming my hand down on the Generals gold desk in determination. "I will do whatever you want me to, under one condition."I said holding up one finger. "You let Brannon or Tatia come with me." Brannon, Tatia and I made a deal, they would let me go on this mission if one of them could come along. I agreed and now here I am sitting in the General's office once again, trying desperately to persuade him to agree as well. General Bakkel looked skeptical.  I knew what I had to do. "Sir, please." I looked up and gave him a determined stare. He sighed and slowly pushed his way out of his seat. "All right, inform Tatia that she should pack her things. You two are scheduled to leave tomorrow and 8:00 sharp." A grin slowly grew on my face. "Thank you sir, Thank you!" I replied as I tried to restrain my joy as I ran out the door to tell Tatia the news.


Thank you for reading!!

1) How do you think Brannon will react when he finds out he will have to stay when Tatia and Kaline go on the mission?

2) Do you think Tatia and Kaline will survive the mission?

Thanks bunches!!

Leave comments, and any feedback you have!

Love, Bailey McKnight

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