Chapter 3

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I marched my way up the stairs, through the main entrance that connects to the compound with thirty five bleeding, angry and dangerous Rebels in tow. 

'These guys would kill you in seconds if you let your guard down, so be prepared' I continue to remind myself as I lead the Rebels into the Dungeon. Even after repeating this to myself over and over, I am disappointed to feel a sliver of fear rising up inside me when the Rebels began struggling violently as they are dragged into the prison cells. They will wait there for their turn to be interrogated.

One of the Rebels manages to break free from the guards grasp and took off running straight for me. Before she made it ten steps in my direction, she is flanked by guards pulling her back. "You..You have no idea of what you have ruined!" She screams "I have a family you know, I worked hard to free them from this pathetic excuse of a government." She glares at me with pure hatred. "And now my plans have been destroyed all because of you! I swear I'll kill you..I will kill you all..." Her screams fade away as the guards pull her down the stone hall. 

I try not to show any emotion as I watch her be dragged away. The way she looked at me sent cold chills down my spine. 'Get yourself under control' I thought angrily. Shaking myself, I clear my face of any emotion and made my way down to where Brannon and my best friend Tatia wait for me.

Tatia was gorgeous. She had long, beautiful hair that cascades down her back, and striking  eyes. She walks with a certain elegance and confidence about her that makes every man stare, and every woman jealous, including me. 

"You managed to survive yet again." Brannon teases giving me a little shove. I shot him an amused glance before turning towards Tatia. "Honey, that was amazing!" She cried giving me one of her smothering bear hugs. "Thanks." I beamed. "Yeah I guess it was ok.. for an amateur" Brannon said with a grin. "Oh stop teasing her!" Tatia exclaimed "This is serious!" 

We make our way through the compound, into General Bakkel's office. He had requested to see me after I had finished my mission. As I made my way into his office, I looked around in astonishment. His office was a huge room with stark white walls. Several different assortments of weapons hung on his walls. As my eyes fell on the Generals face, I immediately knew something wasn't right.

"Please sit." The General offered gesturing to a red cushioned chair positioned across from him. "You did an amazing job today, Kaline." He smiled. " I know how hard you have worked to get into the position you are in today, but I have another mission available, and I would prefer that you be the one to take it." He looked straight at me with a serious face. 'Why is he looking at me like that' I wondered. "What's the catch if you don't mind me asking.." I knew he wouldn't ask me to take any serious missions, because I was the newest soldier in the compound. He laughed politely before replying. "I suppose I should stop beating around the bush. This certain mission is not like most, It is an undercover mission." He stared at me expectantly. "I am not sure I understand, sir" I said my pulse quickening. 'What was he asking me to do?' The General sighed rubbing his wrinkled temples. "I am asking you to go undercover, and pretend to be part of the Rebel society. I am asking you to grow relationships with the Rebel leaders and learn all you can about their plans. I am asking you, Kaline, to become a Rebel."


Thanks again for reading!!

1) Do you  think Kaline will accept the offer?

2) What do you think of the General?

Leave comments below and give me any feedback you have!

Love, Bailey McKnight

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