Chapter 16

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Who knew how long we have been in this maze. All I know is that I am miserable, tired, frustrated, and covered in a sticky substance that had been poured all over me, and my group. 

"Lets get moving." Zander calls from the back of the line. I desperately was to take my stupid blind fold off but I know I can't. I feel hopelessly lost and not being able to see anything was not helping my mood. I could feel my anger bubbling. "Shut up will you! I am trying my hardest to keep moving. It is hard being the leader! I can't even see anything! So just stop yelling at me... I can't.. I can't  handle it any more." I blurt out,  taking deep breaths to calm myself down. Where on earth had that come from? "Hey its ok, lets just  stop arguing... We need to get moving like Zander said.. I just want to get out of here..." Terrence butts in. 

Once we get moving again, my mind starts to wander. "Guys how long would you say we have been in here for?" I ask. "Uhhhh... probably around 8 hours..." Kane answers.  I take her answer into consideration. We started this challenge at around 7:00 AM. So that would mean, if we had been in here for 8 hours, it is would be 3:00 PM right now. If our release time is 5:00 PM that means we had three options. !. We will find the end of the maze, 2. Another team will find the end of the maze or 3. No one finds the end and General Lambert will get us out. Either way, it meant in two more hours we will be out of this maze.

I tell my group this new piece of information. They all let out a sigh of relief. Now we know that we will at least be getting out of the horrifying maze soon enough. 

*                *                      *                      *                         *  

My head snaps up as we hear the bell ring indicating that someone has reached the end of the maze. Disappointment and relief slowly wash over me. "I wonder who won.." Kane mutters yanking off her blindfold. We all follow, taking off our blindfolds and looking at our surroundings. It looks the same as the beginning of the maze, with two tall walls of metal going down as far as I could see on all sides. There was mist surrounding us, fogging up our vision. 

"How long do you think it will take them to find us and get us out?" Terrance asks. I can hear a hint of panic in his voice. "Probably a couple of hours.." I trail off as I hear a crackling noise above us. 

Suddenly General Lambert's voice rings loud and clear through the speakers. "As you all know.. A team has found the end of the maze. I know that most of you are tired, dirty, and maybe even injured, and I am sure you all expect me to swoop in there and save you all. But I have news for you. On actual missions, soldiers don't have someone around to save them. They have to find a way to survive. So listen up." He pauses dramatically before continuing. "You all will be staying in that maze for three days. No one from the outside is allowed to help you. You will use your resources and skills to keep you alive. You will have to learn to get along and work with your groups.".  I gasp and look around at my group. What was General Lambert trying to teach us? How are we going to do this? Everyones eyes are on me. When had I become the leader? My mind is racing as I take a deep breath and begin to talk.

"I know you all are panicked..." I hear a snort from Zander and I pause. "Panicked! I am NOT Panicked. Soldiers do not panic" Zander says glaring and me. "Ok... " I mumble. "I know you all must be tired... but because we have to work together as a group, we have to respect each-others skills, and work as a team". I see nods in agreement, urging me to continue. "We can not continue without a plan." I sigh rubbing my eyes and turning to Terrance and Gavin. "I know that is your specialty, so will you help us out?

The twins look at each other with a small smile growing on their faces. "We have the perfect plan."

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