Chapter 14

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"Today we will be doing some team work challenges." Lambert says. We are all standing in a circle and Lambert is in the middle. "I will put you all into group that I think will work together." Lambert is walking around the circle while talking. "I will not lie, these challenges will no be easy, but the group that wins will have an advantage for later on." 

Lambert begins assigning groups. I turn to Evlyn who is standing to my left. "This sounds like something we would do in elementary school." I smile. Evlyn pulls her hair back into a messy pony-tail and gives me an amused wink. "I hope we are on separate teams so I can kick your butt." She teases. At that we both erupt with laughter, receiving weird looks from the rest of the group. 

Once Lambert reaches our half of the circle, my heart starts to pound. 'I hope I get a good team." I think to myself. "Kaline you're in this group." Lambert says pointing me in the direction of a small group in the corner. 

Oh geez. My group consists of a small, wild girl with dark black hair. She looks as if she could kill someone at any moment. There are also two boys who are tall, skinny, with red hair, and green eyes. 'They look the exact same.' I notice and then realize that they are identical twins. Of course. Last but not least there is Zander. Of all the people I could have been paired with why did it have to be Zander? I look at him, and he offers me a smug smile. I sigh and turn to face Lambert.

"All right everyone I want you to introduce yourselves and then name on strength that you have in the field." Lambert instructs us.

"Hey. I am Lane and I am the best knife thrower in this room." The short black haired girl tells us.

"Hi." The twin say together. "This is Terrance and I am Gavin." The one on the left tells us. "We are really good with scheming and creating plans to use on the field."

"I am Kaline, and I would consider myself a agile, or flexible person. I can also fight with a dagger in both my hands." I tell them trying to keep my face serious.

"So.. I am Zander, and I am really strong." Zander says raising an eyebrow, challenging anyone to disagree.

We all look at the floor in awkward silence, waiting for the rest of the groups to quiet down. 

"Lets get started!" Lambert shouts.

*               *                  *              *               *                 *

"The first challenge is going to be a mental challenge. You will have to find your way through this maze blindfolded. There are traps and guards in all corners of the maze. The first full team to reach the middle will win. The rest of you will know someone has won when you hear the bell." Lambert looks at us all. "Are you ready...Set...Go!" Our team flies down to the supplies pile. 

I have no idea what to grab, so I snatch up a dagger and some rope. I can see Lane doing the same thing. We meet back up to get our blindfolds on.  Once they are on all I have to identify my teammates by is their voices. "Terrence, Gavin.. Any ideas?" I ask them, knowing this challenge is their specialty.

"Actually we do have an Idea." I hear them say. "Everyone follow our voices. We are going to tie the rope to our waists so we will not lose each other." 

I was amazed that they were able to come up with such a brilliant plan that quickly. Now all we have to do is make it safely to the middle of the maze.

"Ok.. Let's go." I say shuffling my ay across the floor, feeling for the entrance of the maze. 


Thanks for reading! 

Now we are finally getting into the good stuff!!

1) What do you think of Kaline's team?

2) How do you think they do in the Maze?

Thanks again!!!


Love, Bailey McKnight

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