Chapter 7

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"That is a very good question." I respond. "Maybe there is some secret entrance or something like that..." Tatia offers. "I suppose that could be true." I say. Tatia and I begin searching all around the area where the ground is cracked, pressing on rocks, pulling on trees, looking for anything that has any potential  to being a secret passage. 

*                      *                         *                              *                             *

After a couple of hours of searching the premises... we still couldn't find anything. "They must be able to get in somehow!" Tatia shouts. We both are exhausted from being in the sun for so long, not to mention frustrated because we cannot seem to find a way into the Rebels underground base.  "Maybe I was wrong, maybe it isn't an underground base after all." I sigh.

"Even if you were wrong, it is too late to do anything about it now." Tatia points out. She is right, the sun has already begun to set, and it is getting darker and colder by the minute. "I think we should set up camp and sleep here tonight." I said.  "Yeah..." Tatia says looking around for good shelter. "Lets set up under that tree." She points at a large palm tree with large leaves for cover. "All right." I mutter pulling my bag behind me as I walk to the tree. 

Once we got a fire going, and our Night-beds set up, I was much more comfortable then I thought I would be in a desert at night. My Night-bed was laid out right next to Taita's. Night-beds are portable beds that you can pack and unpack within seconds. They also are so small they fit in the front pocket of my jeans. 

"Tatia..." I whisper in the dark. "Are you awake?" I wait for a reply. " Well now I am awake." Tatia replies, clearly annoyed that I woke her up. " What if we get caught?" I blurt out. This was what had been bothering me all day. What happens if we get caught on this mission. What will the Rebels do if they find out we are spies?

Tatia does't answer for a while. We both sit in silence pondering all of the possible out comes of getting caught by the Rebels. "Honestly Kaline, I have no idea what will happen if we get caught by the Rebels." She whispers. I turn my face towards Tatia. "Then we just will have to make sure we don't get caught." I say. I promised myself that I would not let any of the Rebels hurt Tatia, or me for that matter.  

I turn my head back to the sky, pull my blankets over my shoulders, and fall asleep with a smile on my face, my new promise burning inside of me.


Thanks for reading!!

Its New years!! hope you all have a great holiday!!

1) Do you think Kaline will keep her promise?

2) How do you think they will get inside of the Rebel base?

Thanks billions!!

Love, Bailey McKnight

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