Chapter 8

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"Where do you think they came from?" Someone asked. "They are not one of our soldiers thats for sure..." "What are we supposed to do with them?"

The voices continued to whisper urgently above me. I roll over in my bed and groan. I hurt all over, my body must be extremely sunburned and sore from yesterday when Tatia and I... Tatia!

Suddenly I was wide awake. I jolt out of bed and land face to face with a handsome young man. He had short cropped brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes, with a sharp angular face. His was also very tan and muscular. "What the..." I mutter staring at him. 'Where did this guy come from?' "Tatia! I shout. I turn around expecting to see her, but instead, to my surprise there are more people staring at me. 'What is going on?'  I feel a hand wrap around my shoulder, turning me around so that I am staring at the young man again. "It's ok. Your friend is perfectly safe. She is just in the other room. Once we get you situated, you can go see her." He says staring at me with his brown eyes. "What..but... I'm..." I can't seem to clear my head enough to talk. 'What on earth is going on? Why was I in a room with a bunch of people that I have never seen before?

Wait, I take that back... I Had seen these people before...' I stare downs at their clothes. On each one of their shoulders in a small black pin. Just like the one I found next to my parents bed. I wasn't in a room with a bunch of random people. I was in a room with Rebels.

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After calming myself down for a little while, I was finally ready for some answers. "How did we get here?" I ask. They all look at each other and then one girl stands up. She has short Auburn hair and very clear skin. She is average height with lots and of freckles and bright green eyes. I would guess that she is probably around 17 years old. "Hi." She says cheerfully. "My name is Evlyn, and I was the one that found you. Well... actually I didn't find you I saw you... or more like spotted you. Anyway," She takes a big breath before continuing her story. "I saw your camp outside, and I was just curious... I wanted to see what you guys were doing." She ducks  her head, blushing. "So... I went over to your camp and saw that you and your friend where blistered and sunburned from spending so much time in the sun, and thought you could use some help. I brought you into our hospital and they gave you some sleeping medicine before fixing you up. So thats how you got here." Evlyn finishes her story with a huge sigh. She looks up happily and smiles. 

It takes me a minute to wrap my head around what she had said. "So where are we exactly?" I ask as innocently and possible. Evlyn giggles a little at my question. "We like to call ourselves the RAN's , that stands for Riot Against the Nation. You might also know us by the name Rebels, and you are currently in our headquarters."


Thanks for reading!!

1) What do you think of the Rebels so far?

2) What do you think of Evlyn so far??

Thank you so much!!

Love, Bailey McKnight

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