Chapter 15

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Metal. That is what I touch as I enter the maze. I can feel the tug of the rope around my waist, indicating that the others are following my lead. Dragging my hand against the wall, I make my way through the entrance of the maze."Hey guys, whats next?" I ask blindly. "Ummm. I would suggest having something to hold in front of you at all times. That would prevent us from running into traps and walls." I hear who I think is Terrance say. "Sounds good to me..does anyone have anything long and stiff I can use?" I ask. "I have a sword... that might work." A small woman's voice says. "Thanks Lane." I say and blindly reach out for the sword.

Once I have the weapon in my hand, I begin tapping the sword in front of me with one hand, and dragging my other hand along the wall to direct me. 'Going through this maze is a lot harder than what I expected.' I think. We had to walk very slowly through the maze, which is what I was expecting. What I was not expecting was how hard it would be to find the right path. We kept running into dead ends.

After running into at least 10 dead ends, I slump to the ground in frustration, pulling everyone down with me. "Hey! Oomph! Ow!" I hear as the others fall next to me. "Sorry, I forgot we were connected." I apologize. "How long have we been in here?" I mutter to myself. Everyone is shifting and shuffling around, which is making the rope around my waist shake. "Stop moving!" I shout. Immediately I feel ashamed for yelling. "sorry again guys. It is just really frustrating that we can't seem to find the right path. Can anyone think of a way for us to find a way out?" I ask, hoping someone has an idea.

"Maybe... well never mind" I hear Zander second guess himself. "Hey.. Go ahead and say it. No one else has any ideas." I encourage. We all wait for a reply. " may not be the smartest idea but... well I once read a story where a man made his way through a maze by constantly taking left turns, so maybe we should try just taking left turns." He offered.

I thought through his idea quickly and found no harm in trying it. "Might as well try it considering we're not making any progress wandering around guessing where to go ." Gavin says.

We all stand up, and begin walking, my sword out front, and everyones hands trailing against the wall. Every time we approached a turn, we would take the left path. After about 2 hours of shuffling though the maze, I feel something different underneath my hand. "What is this?" I ask. Poking the sword out in front of me I tip-toe forward. Suddenly my sword hits something hard and I hear a clicking sound. "Guys.. I think I just triggered a....." suddenly I feel a drop of something wet and sticky drip on my head. I slowly put my arms above my head to see if i can feel where the drip came from and.... Woosh! I feel a bucket of the sticky substance getting poured all over me. " trap." I finish my sentence. "What is this stuff?" Lane asks in disgust. I desperately want to take off my blind fold and see what we are covered in, but the rules said if we took off our blindfolds we were immediately eliminated from the race. "I don't know but we have to keep moving. "


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