Chapter 6

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We had been walking for over 2 hours now in the 110 degree weather. Perrel dropped us off in a deserted area, covered with sand dunes and palm trees. I look down at my G-pad, which is a bracelet that shows us the temperature outside, where we are and how far away we are from our destination. It looks like we only have about ten more minutes before we reach the Rebel's main base.

The sun is so blazing hot, Tatia and I are both dehydrated, tired and sweaty. I had never experienced heat like this before in my life. 'How on earth can it possibly be so hot outside?' I wondered to myself.  I spared a glance at Tatia and realized that she is just as sweaty as I am.

"Tatia, we are almost there." I manage to squeeze out. I feel like I can't breathe. "Hallelujah!" Tatia cries happily. We burst into laughter, wasting any energy we had left.  'Where on earth is the Rebel base?' I look around  us for buildings of any kind. Nothing. 

Suddenly my G-pad begins beeping frantically. I glance down at it and find that on the map, it shows that we are standing on top of the Rebel Base. "What the crap?" Tatia mutters over my shoulder her face  scrunched up in confusion. I slowly look down at where we are standing and all I see is sand. "How is that possible?" I ask Tatia.

Before either one of us can say anything more, the ground begins to shift beneath us, revealing cracks in the ground. Quickly I shuffle away, careful not to step on any of the cracks. We wait patiently for something else to happen, but nothing does. "Ok...... that was strange..." Tatia says still confused. 

We slowly approach the crack closest to us. I get down on my hands and knees, and put my head right next to the crack, positioning my head so I can peer through the space. All I can see is darkness. 'Maybe it was only a small earthquake...' I concluded.

After studying the cracks for a while, it dawned on me.

"Of course!" I shout to no one in particular. " It all makes sense! Thats why we have never been able to pin point exactly where the Rebel base is! We have only been able to find a general area! The Rebels built their base underground!" Tatia's head pops up in interest when I mention an underground base. "That would also explain why we can't see the base from out here... Because it's down there!" She exclaims pointing to the ground. We both look at each other and then down at the cracks in the ground. "The only question is... how are we going to get in the base?" 


Thanks for reading!!

Sorry for the short chapters, It is Christmas and New year's break so I have been kind of busy!

1) How do you think Tatia and Kaline get into the Rebel base?

2) How do you think the Rebels will treat the newbies?

Thanks a ton!!

Love, Bailey McKnight

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