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[A/N] surprise! Here's an update!


The four Shadowhunters had sprinted through the streets of New York, at full speed, only stoping when they got near the Jade wolf.

"What's the plan, Raz?" The blonde boy looked to the blue eyed girl.
"I thought you had a plan!" Bexley admitted.
"What? Why would I have a plan?"
"Because that's your job! you're the plan maker, Izzy is the distraction, Alec is the uptight, grumpy, responsible, gets-us-out-of-trouble- when-we-mess-up one, and I'm the one who kicks butt and looks sexy doing it!"

"What? Since when is that how it works? You and I always made the plans together! And I'm the sexy-looks-good-while-kicking-demon-butt one!" Jace argues with Bexley.

"Hey!" Isabelle snaps at the two blondes "stop it! Just figure out a plan!"
"I'm not uptight and grumpy" Alec mumbles, causing the others to all become silent and stares at him.

"Uh, okay, I got one" Bexley says and everyone turns to her. "Okay, so, uh, go in, get them, don't get killed, get out?"
"Really? Glad to know we have steps to follow" Izzy sasses.
"Well, it's the only thing I can think of!"

"Okay," Alec starts "Iz, you go around back and find the window that the mundane told us about"
Izzy nodded and Alec turned to Jace and Bexley.
"Jace, Bexie, you two go into the front and get the girl, okay?" Jace and Bex both look at the other and nod before nodding at Alec.
"Good, I'm going to watch from here, if any of you get into a pinch I'll come, alright? I'll alert you if I see anything that you don't"

"Let's kick it" Bex smirks at her companions and the others smile and nod in agreement.

"Careful, Iz" Bex hugs her parabatai
"You, too"

With that they all ran to get Clary and Simon out of trouble.


{Bexley's POV}

Jace and I were at the door to the Jade wolf, crouching, as not to be seen through the windows.

"Ready?" Jace smirked at me.
"As ready as my skin is flawless" I smirked right back at him.
We both stood up, in sync, and slammed the doors to the Jade wolf open, seraph blade in Jace's hand, a dagger in each of mine.

"Little pig, little pig," I say in a singsong tone "looks like we're in"

Clary sat on the chair, looking traumatized.
We now had the full attention of the three men that were in the building, their fingers morphing into claws and teeth, razor sharp.

"Shadowhunters?" One, who was obviously the lowest out of the three, sneered.

Then the one who had been sitting across from Clary, was now stalking his way towards me.

"Such a pretty, young Shadowhunter girl" the largest one, who still stood near Clary, growled slyly, as if he was up to something. "You're Bexley Bloodborn, yes? I hear you like to pass the time with downworlders"
At this I felt Jace tense.

"Hey! Alaric, right? You arrested me once, remember?" I mocked a friendly greeting, to the one walking towards me.
"Ah, yes, I remember" Alaric growled.

"Now," In a single, swift movement, I had passed Alaric and got a bit closer to the Alfa, looking straight into his eyes, a challenge.
"I thought dogs only stole shoes, not little girls"
Between the taunting and the challenging eye contact, the Large wolf was snarling.

"This isn't your business, Nephilim" he barked, coming closer to me, causing Jace to move in front of me, tip of his blade to his throat.

"Stay" I commanded, he didn't move "good dog"
"You," I start. "Are all going to stay where you are"
"And" I spoke again "if any of you you move, or even speak, my dear Jace's hand might just slip" I made a hand movement at the word slip. "And your leader here, dead. Understand?" They nodded quickly.

The blond devil- a 'SHADOWHUNTERS' fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now