The former one night stand [✔️]

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Regan's point of view
(Above is a picture of her apartment)

All those times that books and TV talk about one-night stands and how some sort of stupid romance followed. I'm here to tell you that's it's all bullshit, morning sickness, and anxiety. And so here I sit in a doctors office hoping to find out what the hell is wrong with me although I have a damn good idea already. I was a single girl with a minimal means of income if this ends up being what I fear it is I am so screwed it isn't funny.

"Regan Talbot the doctor will see you now!" The nurse calls out, nervously I stand from the hardback chair grateful to have a small release from pain. The nurse leads me back into a small room with two chairs and an examination table. I've always hated the doctor's office and now I had all the more reason to, my parents were dead though I don't really remember it. To be perfectly honest there is a lot about my past I don't remember. 

But that hasn't stopped me yet.

When the doctor walks in she seems pleasant enough and my nerves seem to calm only slightly. I only want to find out what the hell is wrong with me. Starting off with the normal tests she asks me why I called and after describing my symptoms she hands me a small cup and tells me that I'll have to take the pee test. When I come back and hand the cup to her she jots a few notes and tells me that she'll send it all to the lab. She tells me that the doctor will be with me in a few minutes and shuts the door behind her leaving me in sterile silence.

I take a look around the sterile white walls with kids pictures on it. My stomach feels uneasy just sitting in here, it's either that or the weird morning sickness I've been experiencing lately. I know what morning sickness means but I'm praying that it's the flu. Stupid as I was I had no means to take care of a baby, nor did I really want one. I'm young and still want to be able to go out party, travel, and have a couple flings.

Thinking back to the night before it all started, the more I think about it I remember a few minor details about how we met. Of course, I could hold my liquor and I sipped my beer slowly and though I got drunk faster he entertained me otherwise. He was a really cute guy who was in a nice suit, it took a while for him to get drunk or even tipsy. But when you live in New Orleans I guess you build up a tolerance to that kind of thing. We talked about things I can't remember and he seemed pretty sweet. I could have sworn he told me at least part of his name.

Was it Ethan?...Evan?.... Elijah??

Yea now that I think about it that sounds about right.

Regardless he's probably knocked me up and I have no clue what to do about it. I'm not going to lie and say that I'm not scared about any of this. To be honest, I'm absolutely terrified if I'm actually pregnant, how do I know if I'm going to be a good mother. But I knew I couldn't get rid of the baby and I was scared to let my possible child disappear through adoption. I had so many and yet so few options, so many thoughts swirled in my head I hardly noticed when the door opened and the doctor came back.

But the doctor comes in and interrupts my train of thought. He tells me that everything seems normal but then he tells me the news that blows everything else that I considered important right out of the water. Confirming my deep fears and what I'd already suspected about my sickness.

"Congratulations Ms. Talbot you are pregnant."

It feels as if I could hardly breathe, though I nod and take the results he gives me and leave knowing I was carrying some unknown man's child. It scared me to know that I was alone and pregnant with no real way to survive and provide for a child but I'd figure something out, I always did.

I had no support from anyone, I had no family, hardly any friends, and no real means of support.

But I was hardly one to give up so easily, whether or not I wanted this child I was going to have it and raise it.

To hell with whoever got me pregnant, I highly doubt he was worth it anyway. I was a strong independent woman who didn't need a man in my life to validate me or make me feel happy.

But however strong I thought myself I still had a bad feeling about the coming months.

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