A Cross to Bear

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Jackson sits outside on the porch of the cabin the pair were staying in before the wedding. Reagan steps out of the cabin with a chuckling with a confused smirk on her face holding a broom.

"Is there any particular reason people keep leaving brooms on the porch? This a secret code I don't know about?" Jack turns seeing the broom in my hand and smiles trying to hold back a laugh.

Chuckling at my still confused face.  "Well, back in the day, it wasn't easy getting a preacher out here. So, if you were engaged, and you couldn't wait... then the community would let you jump the broom. "

"Huh?" Then it dawns on me and my face changes to try and hold back my own laughter. I toss the broom aside and sit down beside the man I'm supposed to marry tomorrow. It's hard to believe all of this started with a one night stand and how different things might be if I'd never gone out that night.

I would have been happier with a panini press..." I joke and finally, Jackson laughs hysterically, and she smiles at him goofily, it's not long before I join him.

"It's just a tradition!" I hug his arm, leaning into him and breathing in his musty werewolf smell. Closing my eyes for a brief minute and feeling the calm of the air and the sounds of birds chirping and people talking

"You look like you're about to fall asleep." He says.

"I can't help it... you make an excellent pillow you know." I sit up and smile doing my best not to blush. Quickly I try to change the subject pointing to his little project.

"So... what are you working on?" Jack stands up and walks over to a rather large sheet that's covering god knows what.  

"Oh! I started on this for your little ones when you started living out here. Now that they're alive... "  He pulls a sheet off of a mound on the porch, revealing it to be a half-finished baby crib made out of wood. The headboard has a crescent moon carved into it.   

".. I figured it was time to finish it." My eyes wander over the half-finished crib in amazement, I absolutely loved it. I stood walking over to Jack and embraced him and kissing him on the cheek when I pull away. He looks happily surprised at my sudden gesture of affection but quickly changes the subject matter.

"Something else... I'm getting word from a few packs outside of Louisiana? They wanna be here for the wedding! They want in on the Unification ritual!" The news is a pleasant gift but the confusion on my face is immediately present.

"Wait. I thought the ritual only affected the powers of the wolves in our pack?" 

Jackson looks excited to continue.  "Unless they recognize me as their Alpha. Then your power becomes their power!"  

" Jack that's amazing! But do you think their Alphas will step down and bow to you?"  

"They're coming here today to do just that." I nod, just a bit surprised it's happening so soon, but considering how close the wedding is it's good timing.   "They want what you have, Reagan. I mean, we all do. I mean, a couple of weeks after the wedding, you are gonna have one hell of an army to protect your little ones." He slips an arm around my waist and smiles.

Finn and Freya are sitting opposite each other, drinking mugs of tea while they catch up on what has been going on. The grim mood between the two as they speak of Dahila only grows.

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