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Margo Robbie- Regan Talbot 

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Margo Robbie- Regan Talbot 

Finding out your pregnant gives you a different perspective on life. Realizing you are now carrying a small life and one that resulted from a one night stand brings uncertain feelings. But after a restless nights sleep and an endless amount of questions on what to do, I still wasn't sure what to do.

How the hell could this have happened? Why did this have to happen to me? Is it worth it to try and find the man who got me pregnant? So many questions swimming around my head and I have no answers to any of it. I curse myself over and over for being so careless and stupid.


All of this and I realize that I'll probably end up as a single mother to a supernatural miracle baby. My mother was a witch and my father a werewolf, though my magic wasn't as strong as my mother's or New Orleans covens. Though I knew the baby would most likely by a hybrid I was afraid that the baby might have something else in it. No matter what the baby was, the baby and I were part werewolf and for years now they haven't been allowed in the quarter. The arrival of the Originals did little to curb this and actually helped to make it worse. Marcel's vampires hated werewolves and would take any opportunity to harass or kill them. Werewolves now won't step into the quarter without permission since the only wolves that have are either on Klaus' side or dead. If anyone finds out or even dare to think that this baby is linked to them I'll have a thousand years worth of enemies at my door. Just the thought makes my stomach churn enough to induce even more morning sickness.

  I can't believe that this is happening to me! Just the other day I was trying to plan what to do with my life. I wanted more than just to be a single mom, I had no great ambition but I was looking for excitement. I had a plan for my life and this wasn't it. Call me cheesy but I'm a classic romantic, but now with this baby, I have no idea what to do now. I just have to act as if nothing was wrong, I just hope that whatever this baby brings for me that I'm ready.

But if my baby has to live under the threat of these people I'll get the hell out of dodge and move across the country  All I could manage to make was a bowl of pasta for dinner, even though I just found out I was pregnant I started the cravings. I've found that when I'm upset a good bowl of pasta helped to calm me down. I managed a soft smile as I remember all the times I'd talked about to the few friends I had about dreams or plots and anything else that didn't involve a family or a sudden baby.  Even though I felt hungry I could barely spoon my food into my mouth I was so nervous and confused. After dropping my dishes in the washer I set down on the couch and fall fast asleep.

*one and a half month later*

My clothes may not be showing my small baby bump but considering I've told absolutely no one about my pregnancy I want to make sure clothing won't be a problem. Maternity clothes aren't exactly something I have in any supply, I want to make sure I have the clothes to hide my bump. Of course, I might be slightly paranoid but in this town, you can never be too careful. The only good clothing stores are in the French Quarter; I've decided to hell with it I need new clothes now. Feeling the two wooden stakes in the bottom of my bag I lock the door to my apartment and head for the stores. I wasn't paranoid but wanted to be prepared just in case.

The Quarter seems to be busier than normal but considering that most of them are supernatural it doesn't matter. As I pass a shop with a tan woman with dark glossy brown hair dressed in typical New Orleans witchy clothing but with a modern twist to it; she gives me an odd look as if she could sense my magic or my baby's. I hate to be paranoid but if the look she's giving me means what I think it does; my baby and I could be in serious trouble. Of course witches can sense each other but the look she's giving me takes uncomfortable to a whole new level. I move my bag over my stomach in a protective way, but I do it slowly so as not to arouse suspicion from the brunette witch. I shuffle through the crowd hoping to find either shelter from the prying eyes of the witches or something I actually need.

Finally, I find a place to hide...

I duck into the nearest clothing store hoping to escape her gaze. Finding a few cute long sleeves and sweaters in the maternity section, I am quick to make it to the front counter and out the door. Glancing over my shoulder to see if that mystery witch is still giving me the eye, but instead, she's gone or so I thought as I rounded a corner, unaware it was an alley until I took a look around.

"Shit," I mutter to myself

"Hello." I wipe around prepared to cast a spell until I saw the witch.

"Who the hell are you and what do you want??" I blurt out unable to stop myself from sounding a bit nervous in the process. I wasn't afraid, I refused to be afraid of some bitch I knew was up to something.

"My name is Sofie Deveraux and I'd like you to come with me." She tries to sound calm and polite because who the hell would want to scare a pregnant lady?

"Do I have a choice?" I ask knowing the answer isn't going to be what I'd hoped.

"I'm afraid not." She raises her hand and as my eyes close I feel hands reach out to catch me.

So much for getting attacked by vampires.

I may be part witch but I hate the New Orleans witch ... pains in my ass

This sucks...

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