It all Fades to Ashes

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Numbness takes over as I limp my way over to my brother's dead bodies. Tears trickle down my face as I fall between them, pulling the dagger from Brandon's chest. I cringe as I tug the pole from Rixton's chest as I do my best not to look into his cold, dead eyes. Looking up, seeing that only a few feet away Adam's body lays, his neck snapped no doubt by Klaus.

This is all his fault...

Something soft brushes the back of my hand, I look over in a daze and see a brown wolf with dark marking, my sister.

"I'm so sorry Lia..." My voice cracks as I squeeze my eyes closed trying to prevent further tears from escaping. My sister was cursed and I was left to prepare my brothers body for a funeral alone, Adam may not have apart of the pack but my sister loved him and I would give him the same respect. Amelia slips her head under my arm and I allow myself to let go of the pain and bury my face in her fur as I cry for the loss of one brother that has been with me for three centuries and the other I'd allowed into my heart.

A loud gasp and heavy breathing force me to lift my head up, and to my surprise, Adam sits up clutching his chest and breathing heavily. We lock eyes as he looks at the scene laid out before him in wide-eyed horror. After all this time the wolfsbane has left my system, and though I struggled to stand I made my over as he looked as if he were about to have an anxiety attack.

 After all this time the wolfsbane has left my system, and though I struggled to stand I made my over as he looked as if he were about to have an anxiety attack

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Jamie Dornan as Adam Bennett

"Adam?...... How are.... how are you here right now?" He takes in a shaky breath unsure of what to say.

"I... I'm hungry..." We both look scared realizing what he means.


"W-When we were walking I... I fell behind and twisted my ankle... I didn't want to slow anyone down... I asked Hayley to heal me..." Amelia cautiously pads over whimpering. Adam reaches out, running a hand through her fur when she realizes he's real she leaps into his lap and nuzzles into the crook of his neck.

He lets out a laugh of relief as he wraps his arms around her neck.

"I'm ok Lia... I'm ok..." She pulls away as he winces licking his lips, I sigh covering my mouth as I try to figure out what to do.

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