Time Of Death [✔️]

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Do you know how everyone has a different view of death?

I was five when my mother and father were killed, though my brother's shielded me from exactly how they died I had always hoped they found peace. Knowing that my death was inevitable, whether at the hands of the witches that hold us captive or something else later down the line. I'd always imagined a warm light that took you off somewhere, though I suppose it would only be for those who'd made peace with themselves before death.

As Hayley's labor progresses and the time to deliver draws near I try to reason with the part of myself that's most afraid. If I couldn't save the twins it would be up to Klaus and Elijah, and if I died I only hoped that he is as good a parent as I know he can be. Klaus who managed to find us and limp his way in fighting anyone that stood in his way only to be stopped by the two younger witches who joined hands to throw him up against a wall. He spouted curses as Hayley's labor progresses further to where she'll need to start pushing any time now. It seems the time ticks by slower as she continues to push and when finally the baby comes it's a small moment of relief.

Looking at Hayley holding her daughter stuns most of us to silence, that is until Monique pulls her head back and slits her throat with a dagger.

Klaus and I yell and scream in horror as the blood spills out and slowly she dies. They take her baby girl who now crying away from the corpse that is now her mother. I watch in horror as they prepare to leave, whispering a small goodbye to the twins knowing that I'm probably next on their list. Feeling Klaus' eyes on me as he spouts curses at the retreating witches.

I look up to see Genevieve standing over me with an almost apologetic look, I nod and with a flick of her wrist, she snaps my neck sending me to the floor. The last things I hear are the twins crying and Klaus' shouts getting louder.


'Emergency at the compound. We're all in danger.'

When Reagan had sent that text, all sorts of alarm bells were going off in my head. I'm pretty sure I broke almost every speed limit trying to get us to my sister as fast as we could. What we saw inside the compound made every one of those alarms go off tenfold. The bodies of dead vampires and werewolves with no sign of Reagan or the twins nearly made us lose our minds. If she'd come to harm by any of them I would make damn sure that New Orleans rained blood.

Rixton performed a locator spell with a shirt of Reagan's she had lying on her bed. Nothing in her room had been disturbed, there were some clothes thrown on a chair but she was a semi-messy person but that was normal. When he tells me she's in St. Anne's church something deep down says something is wrong. More wrong than the corpses in the courtyard, and when we see that the door to the twins nursery is unlocked the feeling grows worse.

Kicking open the doors to St. Anne's we're greeted with a sight we thought and prayed we'd never see. Klaus cradles the wolf girl Hayley her throat slit, the silence and tears are as much for her as the corpse that lays at their feet, the one I know they're scared to touch all, and Elijah cradles her as she were a fragile piece of china. The tears that build in his eyes would be sweet if the anger coursing through me didn't blame him for her death.

She looks so peaceful as if sleeping and will wake up any moment. Though her shirt is stained with blood there was no source, they snapped her neck there wasn't even the hope that she could come back as a vampire.

She was gone for good ...

While Rixton is frozen in his place I slowly approach. Kneeling in front of her tears pooling in my eyes as I blame myself. I failed the promise I made to our parents, I should have been here, I should have helped her. Under his breath Elijah mutters something about this being his fault.  Brushing a stray piece of hair from her face the tears I'd been holding back flow free.

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