Hybrid from Hell [✔️]

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For a moment I'm almost afraid to move out of fear, my eyes fixated on Sophie's dead body. For a minute I feel as though I'm going to faint, but Elijah keeps a firm hold of me. I may not have liked Sophie but no way in hell did she deserve to go out like this, especially after all she'd done for me and my children. I can't help but feel like this is some elaborate trap, and that Klaus is waiting on the other to slit my throat right then and there. 

But when he turns to me and tells me to gather my things and that I'm coming with them. After a few moments of hesitation, I nod and step back inside throwing things from a small dresser into a duffle bag. I'm shaking so badly several items miss the bag entirely, never in my life did I think I could be so scared of someone

Finally, I come downstairs with the duffle strapped over my shoulder and pick up the baby carriers from the table. As I step outside Elijah offers to take one but the look I give him telling him very clearly to back off had him stepping back. 

"Where exactly do you plan on taking me? To hell, I hope that would be so much better than being here with any of you." If looks could kill today would be the best day ever for the entire vampire population. 

"There's the particular brand of sass that I've missed," Klaus says almost happy if I didn't know better. He opens the door to the SUV allowing me to set my things inside before spinning around and slapping him in the face. Elijah and Rebekah look stunned, almost scared, Klaus too looked stunned I'd so much as raised a hand to him.

"Do not act as if you know anything about me you bastard because you don't. I may not have liked Sophie but I owed her a lot. I'm coming with you only because I feel my children have the right to know their father, but so help me god if you so much as step out of line with me I will take them away and you will NEVER find them." Returning the smug smile he'd given me earlier before getting in and slamming the door.

I may have been scared of them before, but not anymore if I wanted to help my children I was going to have to be incredibly strong...

I'd go through hell before I let someone touch my kids.


In an attempt after being settled in my new room, one that was easily connected to my children's nursery I tried to take a shower. Although I felt calmer afterward I was still upset that I'd pretty much been forced into this. 

But, I guess that's what happens when you have a one-nighter with an Original vampire and kidnapped by witches. And because that's a sentence I'd never thought I would have to say...

Exciting the bathroom and getting a glance of something laid out on my bed I get curious. New clothes are neatly displayed on the edge of my bed along with a note neatly scrawled in Elijah's handwriting.

If you prefer to change into more comfortable clothing I have laid these out for you.
I do apologize for Niklaus' earlier behavior and hope that you might join us for dinner this evening when you wake up. I do remember you, you were quite lovely that night and still are.
Thank you for the gift you have given me

Ok not awkward at all

The fact that he knows my clothing size is odd, but I guess Rebekah and I must have similar size and taste.

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