Sweet Child of Mine

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Rebekah is hanging a festive wreath on the front door of their safe house. When she returns inside, she finds Elijah leaning against the fireplace, thinking. She smiles at me as I lay down on the couch with James sleeping on my chest. Hope and Emma play in their playpen, but I glance at her playfully biting my lip. Rebekah and I had reconnected in the months since we left New Orleans, of course, it was all words. I had yet to really show her that I still care about her just as I did all those years ago.

Rebekah looks cheerful. "Well, isn't this place rather nice!" She picks up a bottle of wine and examines it. "Nik must have compelled a wine-lover to keep it up because I found a 2005 bordot!" She holds it up to show Elijah, but he does not seem pleased. "Fancy a sip?" I chuckle and shift only slightly so as not to wake the sleeping child.

"I think he appreciates the sentiment, Rebekah, but the man does realize when he's being handled with kid gloves." Rebekah pouts, understanding what she's trying clearly isn't working.

Rebekah sighs and sets down the wine. "How are you feeling?"

Elijah turns to her. "Patronized!" I sit up while he looks at the two of us, placing James in the playpen with Emma and Hope. "I am here to protect you, though it seems Rixton is doing it for me." Raising my hands in surrender I stand up and grab the wine bottle, going to the kitchen and grabbing three wine glasses. Handing one to Rebekah and setting Elijah's on the coffee table.

" We know you mean well, Elijah.."

But he interrupts looking slightly exasperated. "And yet, you find it necessary to render me unconscious before bringing me here? "

"Well, you weren't yourself! And that diner wasn't safe, my job is not only to the kids but to your sister as well. You kill a dozen people whose only crime was crappy taste in food. What's up with you? With as long as I've known you... you've never done this before what's up?"

Elijah looks to the floor, clearly tense. "I don't know. Niklaus sent me to protect the children. My job is to keep them safe."

I pause for a moment. "Yea well you seem to have a funny way of showing it." It's an awkward silence as we sip the wine watching the twins and Hope play until Elijah seems to perk up suddenly. Rebekah and I look to him, suddenly alert as to the possible threat.

"What is it?" I ask going to the window, peering through the lace curtains to see who's pulled up hoping it's my sister. But seeing Lucien hop out of the black SUV, I smile, more than happy to see my big brother after all these months.

"Well, I'll be damned." I laugh and sigh in relief heading for the front door and all but throwing it open the door. Stepping out onto the front porch, I'm stopped dead in my tracks as I watch him stroll over to the passenger side door and helps a little girl who looks to be about ten years old get out.

"Luc!" My brother turns, holding the young girl's hand. He laughs as he looks upon our confused faces as Rebekah and Elijah set out onto the porch holding the babies.

"Did you steal a child? Where did this little girl come from?" I call out as the two approach. The young girl blushes and tries to hide behind my brother.

"No little brother I didn't steal a child, this little brother is your niece." The words hit like a ton of bricks.

"Our niece is right here." I turn and point to Emma not quite believing exactly what he was telling me. He laughs again at the very confused looks of disbelief written all over our faces. and shakes his head continuing to hold the young girl's hand.

"Guys this is Savannah. Elijah knows the story but it's just a long story and I'll explain when we get inside. But trust me this sweetheart is sooo much like her mother it's a little scary." Savannah gives a small shy wave.

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