New Hell

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After I'd gotten dressed and had my fill of the food Hayley tried to get me to eat I was ready to go. I knew werewolf tradition or at least Cresent tradition decreed funerals were to be held at dawn, but with the tense situation going on between the sides few if any would be attending Oliver's funeral. I didn't know Oliver that well 

Oliver's body remains smoking in the lake, the morning light does little to hide Jack's depressed and angry mood. He hears us approach but doesn't move or recognize our presence until Hayley speaks up.

"I'm so sorry Jack..." She whispers, looking on awkwardly.

But Oliver snaps, jumping to his feet angrily. " This is bull! Cresent tradition says you have a funeral at dawn, and no one is here!" The both of us remain in a speechless silence. "The loyalty... the loyalty's gone." He goes to walk away but I place a hand on his shoulder. 

"We're standing here mourning over his body when there's a war to be fought. We understand that you have to grieve, Jack. We can wait for a little while longer. But your people need their Alpha." I take the bottle of whiskey from his hand. Hayley walks off and once I'm sure we're alone I speak my real thoughts.

"I understand you're upset Jack. You have every right to be... but I wanna talk about what you told me the other day... you're not going to tell her about the ceremony, are you?" He looks down and shakes his head as I cross my arms. I bite my lip but nod, it was his right whether or not to tell Hayley about something that could help the pack. However, I knew that when she found out she was going to be pissed, she wanted to help the pack desperately.

"I don't want to force her to do anything just for the sake of the pack..." I agree, but then I propose a serious question.

"Do you love her?" He looks somewhat surprised and unsure.

"I just want you to be sure of what you're doing before you do it." I attempt to give him a reassuring smile and walk away to go find Hayley and discuss our next course of action.

However, what I don't hear is what Jack says next.

"I thought that I did."

Figuring Finn Mikaelson was our best next move Hayley and I head to Marcel's. The sooner we got our hands on him the sooner we might rid the city of the threats of our children.

"So where's your Alpha?" Marcel asks somewhat smug as if he saw this coming. Though his eyes linger on me, I moved on after he believed I had died in Mikael's assault but I'm not sure he has.

Though, I'm willing to be wrong.

"Unfortunately he's out at the moment." I sigh running a hand through my hair. Aiden had joined us in place of Jackson, he helped lead Finn's inner circle and we knew we were going to need all the help we could get.

"So, you brought Junior Varsity? You know, I'm getting a little tired of you using my place as a den for wayward wolves"  

Hayley rolls her eyes and gets to the point.  "Well, it was just that we were going to, uh, take down Finn Mikaelson today, and considering how he treated your vampires, I assumed that you would want in on the bloodbath."

Marcel stops, clearly interested.  "I'm listening." Hayley and Aiden sit on the couch while I lean against the window looking out. I'd hadn't heard from Luc since yesterday when I left the compound in a huff. I thought he'd have been in his room but even Klaus hadn't heard from him. If something was wrong I'd feel it, although I was worried I had to trust my brother.

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