Kidnapped [✔️]

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I woke up with a start and a pounding headache. Looking around I'm laying on an old mossy slab of stone surrounded by candles and other witch ingredients needed to make a powerful spell. My groans from my attempts to get up must have alerted the others in the room, the chick from earlier Sophie, I guess her name was, attempts to calm me down. I refuse and start struggling in an attempt to get up and get out of there. I refuse to allow these people to try and harm me and my baby. Sophie grabs a crystal pendant and dangles it over my stomach chanting in Latin as others do their best to hold me down. Despite my protests they still refuse to let me go, the panic and adrenaline coursing through my body have me the most scared I've ever been. When she finally stops and the witches holding me down allow me to sit up and dust myself off I give them the dirtiest look I can muster.

Pulling my knees to my chest in an effort to try and calm myself and protect the baby still growing inside of me. When I'd gone to the doctor they estimated me to be about two months along. Though I didn't feel any different witch spells don't often have immediate effects, whatever they did has me both curious and scared. They wouldn't do this if they didn't know something about my baby or the father. And it's that idea that has my blood running cold, they know something about the father of my baby and I'm scared to ask what they know.

"What the hell did you do to me?" I growl glaring at Sofie, she doesn't seem to be impressed.

"We did a simple detection spell that was all, it would have been easier if you hadn't struggled..."

"Please forgive me. It's not everyday one is kidnapped by witches." I reply sarcastically, rolling my eyes plainly showing I'm not having any of their bullshit courtesies. If they want something out of me they'd better ask now or forever hold their fucking peace.

"I realize we haven't gotten off on the best foot. But we need to have a serious conversation and it starts with your baby." My eyes widen as my face reflects that of disbelief. Of course, she did a pregnancy detection spell, literally, all she would have had to do was ask ... then again I probably would have lied. I have no reason to trust any of them, this being one of the chief reasons.

"How exactly does you kidnapping me have to do with my baby?" Not even bothering to deny that I was pregnant.

"It matters because If the Mikaelson's find out that baby they're coming for you." immediately confused as to why the hell the Mikaelsons would care about my baby. But her statement has different ideas racing around my head. 

"Why the hell does it matter?!" Coming out harsher than intended but at the same time, it seems to answer her question. Her eyes soften with sympathy and I grudgingly scoot over from my place on the cold stone slab they'd laid me on. Sofie tries to put her hand gently on my shoulder, but I quickly shrug it off and scoot farther away I don't need her sympathy and this isn't getting anyone anywhere. She slowly sits down and takes a deep breath before pausing and considering her next words very very carefully.

"Do you know who the father is?" 

"No, I don't know who the father is! For christ sake I was drunk it was a one-night stand. Why the hell does it matter??" I stand abruptly and looking and sounding extremely aggravated. First I get a baby off a one-night stand and then I'm kidnapped by witches.

Really it's a great time...

"That is a powerful child you carry... are you sure you don't know?" Nothing she's saying is going to be useful. My entire life will not stop because I'm carrying some miracle baby. But everything inside me screams and yells at me for being so stupid and careless, I want to scream and tell her this is all just some stupid mistake.

"Trust me if I knew I'd have tried telling the bastard." The other witches have left the chamber where I'm being held but Sofie doesn't. Either she really wants to interrogate me or is sympathetic to my situation, as if she's seen it before. I scoot overlaying a protective hand on my stomach, there is no way that I'm letting her harm my baby. I may be going back and forth between wanting and not wanting this baby but I suppose it's a sort of blessing, I'd been alone for so long I guess it was time I get some companionship.

"I don't want to hurt you... I want to help you."

"Why should I trust anything you have to say?? I mean you are the ones who kidnapped me."

"Because I believe the father of your baby and his family are extremely dangerous and will only use that child for power." Still standing I bite my lip before shuffling back over to the slab of stone where Sophie sat.

It takes a moment for me to consider responding to realize that she actually means what she says. Slowly I nod, but I still can't look her in the eye, nothing in the world will make me trust witches after this.

"Tell me." She seems to know what I'm implying and nods. THough I'm still not sure if I can trust her, the nervous feeling in my stomach seems to subside.

"Ok. A few months back a woman came to town, turns out she was pregnant with Klaus Mikaelson's child. I don't believe he's the father of your baby but one of his siblings is. I know you're a witch ... I wasn't able to help Hayley but I want to help you." Taking a deep breath and nodding she continues. She tells me about Hayley Marshall and her relationship with Klaus and his family, the entire story makes me extremely uncomfortable. But I realize something important, Hayley was vulnerable because she was with the Mikaelsons before and during her pregnancy.

Putting some deep thought into a rather extreme idea. If they found out about me their enemies would too, but if Sophie could help me and hide me and my child we might have a chance to live a semi-normal life.

"Sophie, can I ask you something? You had leverage on Hayley because her life was tied to yours. I know you have magic capable of tying one life to another but would it be possible ... would it be possible to speed up a pregnancy?"  She seems shocked that I would even suggest something like that. She seems to really put thought into it, after some time she nods.

"I believe it's possible ... I'd have to talk to some of the elders about it thought. Don't worry I won't tell them about you or the baby."

"Why are you being so nice to me? You have every reason to turn me over to your coven and do exactly what you did to this Hayley girl." She sighs and looks rather sullen.

"You remind me a lot of my sister Jane Anne. I can take you to a place for a while where no one will come looking."

"Thank you, Sophie ... Though I'm still apprehensive about the whole thing and have a hard time trusting anyone no offense ... this means a lot to me." She nods and smiles as she gets up to leave.

"Sofie?" She turns around just as her hand brushes up against the door.

"Why do you think the Mikaelson's have anything to do with this?" But without answering me she leaves the room in a big hurry. My breathing picks up and my thoughts run wild as the idea of one of the Mikaelson family being the father of my baby. If that is true then I am walking into a shit storm waiting to happen, if I have to I will die to protect my baby. I know that whatever happens next wasn't going to go well at all.

Dear god what have I gotten myself into?


'Hey, it's me ... Listen you told me to keep an eye on Reagan. Let's just say the two of you have a very big problem.'

'Tell me exactly what we're getting ourselves into.'

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