Sweet Love

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Finally, Savannah and I were on our way home, we had stayed longer than anticipated waiting for the witch hunt to die down. But we were on our way home and that's what matters Savannah was practically bouncing in her seat waiting to meet her mother. But all those plans hit a snag when we stop at a light in a small town just outside of New Orleans. I'd just pulled to a stop and looked up at the phone lines to see a small black bird, but when I looked up again not ten seconds later my eyes widen as I see them lined up end to end.

"Son of a b-" Cutting myself off remembering I have an impressionable young niece in the car whose mother would kill me if I cursed in front of her. Struggling to pull my phone out of my back pocket with the sense of panic I feel. Finally, the light turns green and I can get my phone out of pocket and quick as I can dial Klaus' number.

"Klaus we have a big problem emphasize on problem. I think your mom found us."

"Us? Bloody hell... listen I'll send you an address you can head to. Whatever you do stay out of the city." Luc sighs frustrated but agrees and hangs up. Elijah looks to Klaus and opens his mouth to say something but he's distracted when his phone rings. He pulls it out of his pocket and answers it when he sees its Rebekah. Both brothers look to each other knowing the following conversation isn't going to be pleasant.

 Rebekah starts talking sounding frantic.  "It's me. I have the baby, and we're on the run. Esther found us. We're safe, for now... I've lost her bloody starlings, but I have no idea where to go."

"Tell her to head west. I'll call Hayley. "

Rixton's voice is heard from the background.  "Do not tell Hayley or my sister! Esther's too smart for that. The only advantage that we have is that she thinks the children died. Text me the plans.  Elijah hangs up with a sigh as he hears them get into the car.

"Go. I'll take care of Kol and Finn."

Klaus rolls his eyes clearly annoyed.  "Splendid. And, in your hands, I assume they'll be dead by nightfall."

"I will show restraint. Hope needs her father."

"I doubt that. Hope is not the only one that a father." He looks pointedly at his brother when talking about the twins. No doubt in his mind that his brother loved James and Emma, but he hardly talked about them. And since they'd been gone he hardly talked to Reagan instead choosing to spend his time alone or busying himself with god knows what.

"What she needs... what our children need... what we need are allies, to help us defeat our mother. Finn and Kol must be turned to our side. Without their help, there will be nowhere left for Hope or the twins to run."

"Niklaus, your child..."

Klaus interrupts him.  "I have waited months to see my daughter and you for your children." He swallows, clearly unhappy with this plan.   "I can wait one more day." Elijah looks at him sympathetically before he gets ready to leave.

"Elijah. Do whatever it takes to keep them safe."

Elijah looks down before giving his brother a small smile thinking of his children.  "I give you my word."

Hayley, Jackson, Aiden and I are outside of Jackson's trailer, discussing our current problems. Aiden is freaking out that the wolves are going to figure out that he's the one who helped take down Finn.  But he's not my primary concern. I sit, slouched in a foldable chair with my feet propped up in Jackson's lap as I look down at my phone. My brows furrow in confusion as the text bubbles under my brother's name disappear and suddenly reappear with a concerning message.

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