Grave Reminder

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Josh rushing to Aiden's defense but when he sees Finn coming down the aisle he gets scared. Finn spreads his arms wide lighting every light and candle in the church, I duck down in an effort not to be seen. Josh stands in a defensive position ready to attack but Finn snaps his neck with a flick of his wrist. Finn shouts for Camille looking around searching the aisles for her. But all the sudden Hayley tackles him from behind, he tries to crawl away.

"First I'm going to kick your ass an then I'm going to take my pack back." She growls, but Vincent chuckles and shrugs it off.

He chuckles weakly.  "Your pack? Last I checked, your pack was blindly following me." 

Hayley scoffs.  "You wanna talk about following? How do your mother's boots taste?" Hayley kicks Finn in the face, splitting his lip, but he continues to laugh. I jump down and storm over, he gets a glimpse of me and his smirk grows even bigger. That is until I take my boot to his face, the red welt and the shock on his face are plainly evident.

"What have you done with Cami?" Hayley laughs sarcastically and shrugs, so Finn telekinetically throws her down the aisle while he gets to his feet. I rush him but a flick of his wrist sends me crashing into several pews. My head hits the ground hard and I swear to god something breaks.

"Ow..... shit." 

"Hybrids die by losing their head or their heart. And, given the choice, I'm going to take the organ that got you into this mess in the first place. Then I'm going to take the hearts of all your friends. Especially the lovely Reagan over here and give them to my brother's as trophies."    He chants unintelligibly and makes a fist with his hand as he walks toward Hayley. Suddenly, Hayley clutches her chest as she starts to spit up blood. The front of her shirt has a bloody stain on the front of it where he's starting to rip out her heart. I struggle to stand up but end up stumbling, definitely and broken or bruised ankle.

"Dammit!" I curse, Finn turns to me with a devilishly. I'm stilling kneeling so as not to put too much pressure on my ankle but I know I'm not going to like where this is going.

"Well, shit..."

Suddenly, an arrow pierces Finn through his shoulder from behind, and he screams out in pain. I with a face of pure relief turn to see Jackson, with Ansel's bow and quiver of arrows, jumping down from the balcony. He shoots another arrow into Finn's thigh, causing Finn to crawl up to the sacristy to get away from them. Out of nowhere, a healed Cami appears and slams the manacles onto his wrists. He gapes at her, clearly feeling betrayed. He tries to fight back with magic, but the manacles are blocking him. Jackson runs over to me so that he can help me up I'm able to lean on him taking pressure off my ankle.

"Your timing is impeccable," I whisper as he leads me over to an undamaged pew to sit.

"You would have done the same thing to me, Finn." Finn, completely stunned, stares at his hands and starts to process what just happened. Hayley looks to Jackson thinking he's going to run over and check on her as he did me and looks slightly upset to see he's not.

"Are you okay?" He looks up at me as he kneels to check out my ankle, which is already healing and brushes the hair off my face with his hand.  "I'm so sorry I made you wait." I can feel my face grow warm and do my best to shake it off.

"I'm just glad you came... to be honest I wasn't sure you'd came." I laugh in relief to be alive, which makes Jackson laugh, too.

It took a little longer than expected for my ankle to heal but when I did I went to go find Jackson. I didn't know what to do about the butterflies that I felt when I was around him, he was betrothed to Hayley back when they were kids and I knew better than to mess with that type of thing. When I do find him he's lighting the candles over by the alter, I approach slowly not wanting to startle him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"We put Vincent in the back of Josh's car."

"Is Aiden alright?" He turns to look at me over his shoulder.

"Mmm, some ice and bourbon and he'll be fine." I turn to look down at the candles he was lighting.  "How did you know where to find us?"

"I spent a lot of time tracking Hayley when I was a wolf." I would expect a smile when he talks about her but a sad and longing look replaces it.  "Call it animal instinct." He's about to leave when I stop him. A million thoughts race through my head trying to figure out what to say next, but nothing seems to explain why I feel the way I do


"Oh, Ollie used to give me so much hell for waiting for her. Girls came and went... I always knew she'd come. See, our parents had been so sure that she and I could change things for the better." There's a pang in my chest the way he's talking about her. Like all the hopes for their pack is riding on the shoulders of some ideal girl that doesn't exist.

"Jack, the girl that you were waiting on was Andréa Labonair, the mythic revolutionary. You got Hayley Marshall, a knocked-up tomboy with a bad attitude. You got dealt a crappy hand." I glance off and give a weak laugh, but Jackson looks pensive. But I don't see are the wheels turning in his head as he realizes Hayley isn't as idealistic as she seems.

"Yeah, you're right..." Well shit, that's not something I hear often enough. 

"She's not the girl I waited for."  He walks toward me so they're nearly nose-to-nose, our faces just inches apart as we breathe in each other's scents.  "You're better." He smiles at me, unsure of what to do before he tries to walk away. And it's in that short window I decide I know I'm already going to hell so why not, I grab the back of his shirt collar and drag him out of view, into the closest abandoned room and press my lips to his.

Fucking hell I know what the feeling is now... it's love.

"We need to make a move before she strikes," Elijah says as he approaches Klaus, the two beginning to scheme. Marcel, Hayley, and Reagan appear in the doorway, each smirking like they've done something wrong and are waiting to show it off.

" Well, actually, moves were made while you were sleeping. " Elijah locks eyes with Reagan who smiles at him.

Hayley smiles. "It's good to see you vertical. The three of us left a gift for you in the ballroom."  Klaus looks at them curiously.  "You're welcome?"  Klaus looks at Elijah, who gestures toward the door.

Marcel whispers something to Klaus, Elijah takes a step towards me. 

"I think you might actually like this surprise." I lean into him.

"I didn't mind the last one. Truly life changing." He jokes, and my face reflects playful shock as he references the twins birth and my entrance into their lives. I snort and playfully punch him in the shoulder.

"Yea well this one is pretty good."

Downstairs, they arrive in the ballroom, where Klaus and Elijah find both Finn and Kol, each wearing the enchanted manacles, which are suspending them from the balcony by their wrists. Klaus and Elijah look very pleased.

"Kidnapping? That's a rather unpleasant way to begin a family reunion!" Kol looking like he regrets every choice he's made since coming back.

Klaus grins.  "Well, wait until you see how we end it!"

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