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He sat in class, trying anything not to fall asleep in his own hand. There was just something about history class that bored him to tears. It also happened to be the only class he had in the whole day without either of his best friends in it. Talk about the longest hour of his day.

When the bell finally rang, Henry grabbed his book and shoved out the door, rushing towards his locker.

As he rounded the corner, he found himself smiling at the sight of Charlotte, one of his best friends. He could tell that she was in a good mood by the way she was standing, changing her books out from her locker. As their friendship grew, he noticed how in tune he became with her, and now, almost eight years after they had met, he knew every part of her soul.

"Hey hey" he said, walking up beside her, leaning against the lockers next to hers.

"Hey Hen" she answered him, smiling. He couldn't help but smiling back at her.

"Having a good day so far?" He asked her.

"The greatest!" She said, closing her locker. "I got my science report back, I got an A"

"No surprise there" he joked, laughing as she shoved him with her free hand.

"Hey I worked super hard on that report." She said, turning to walk with him towards his locker.

"I know you did Char" he laughed, placing his thumb on his lock. "I was just teasing you. I'm really proud of you"

"Thanks Hen" she smiled, looking up at him with her brown eyes. He felt his heart leap inside of his chest, and he swallowed hard to try to calm it down.

"So what are you doing after school today" she asked him, pulling him back into their conversation.

"Studying" he sighed, switching out his history book with his math one. "I don't even know why I'm going to try, I'm going to fail anyway."

"Um no you're not. You're Henry Hart, and last I checked you don't give in to anything."

His mind was racing with thoughts, and some fears about what another failed test would mean to his parents. Would they ground him? Would he have to take a week off of being Kid Danger?

"How about I help you" Charlotte said to him, "I can come over tonight and quiz you, make sure you definitely don't fail this test you have tomorrow."

"You'd do that?" He asked, the beat of his heart increasing just slightly.

"Of course" she said, "Henry I would do anything for you"

He smiled at her, and she smiled right back.

"We can walk home together, and we can study all night long if we have to."

"Sounds like a plan" he said to her, "Thank you, in advance. It may take a miracle to get this guy to pass"

"Well this guy is going to do amazing, like he always does"

He let her words sink into his brain, and no matter how long they were there, he still couldn't wipe the smile off of his face. There was something about Charlotte that made his world so much brighter.

"Now come on weirdo, we do still have a class to get to" she said as she grabbed his wrist, pulling him to follow her.

And he did, because there was no one else he would rather follow.


Hi all! Welcome to my new Chenry fanfic! Just a few notes to touch on for this story;

1. Henry is 18 and Charlotte is 17. I realize they are a few years younger in the show, but I felt like for the maturity I plan on writing into the story, them being older made more sense.

2. Jasper does not know that Henry is Kid Danger. I felt like keeping the secret between just Charlotte and Henry made their bond a little sweeter.

3. I plan on introducing a few new characters, some who have never been mentioned in the show. If you have any questions about them (ever) please just let me know!

4. I plan to publish a new part every other day, at least. I will try very hard to keep on top of this schedule, so keep patient with me, lol!!

I'm Natalie by the way, I can't wait to create this story with you all! I hope that you learn to love it just as much as I do! xx

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