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It had been almost a week since the day Henry seemed to change, and things had been very awkward since.

They went to school as normal, going to their classes, sitting at the same table at lunch, walking home together at the end of the day. The actions were normal, it was their conversation that seemed to have been affected.

For their entire friendship, they had talked to each other with such ease, almost like they had known each other their entire lives. They could be themselves around each other.

But the past few days had been almost robotic, and Henry didn't seem to be himself. He would talk to her, but he wouldn't joke around anymore, or laugh when she told him a joke, ones that usually he would laugh at, just for her. He barely smiled around her either.

She didn't know what was hurting him, or who, all she knew was that she missed her best friend. It hurt her knowing that he wasn't the same boy she loved so deeply anymore.

She actually looked forward to getting to work every day, knowing that she could finally be in an environment where Henry seemed to be semi normal. Random parts of the day in the man cave showed the Henry she had known for years, and it took all she had not to reach out and grab a hold of him, as if to ensure that he couldn't slip away again.

When she opened the doors of the elevator that day, she was welcomed by Ray, and a woman.

"Charlotte! You're here!" Ray smiled, rushing over to her side, grabbing her shoulders, and moving her over to the mystery woman in front of her.

"Um, Ray, you know there's a lady here right?" She asked him.

"Yes I know" he said, "I'm not stupid."

"Well" Charlotte began.

"Hey!" Ray said, pointing his finger at her. Charlotte couldn't help but laugh.

"This 'lady' as you called her, is here visiting, from Europe." He said, moving to stand beside the woman. "Charlotte, I'd like you to meet my sister, Rachael."

"Woah, your sister?" Charlotte asked, looking between Ray, and the woman, Rachael. She was shocked to see that they actually did look alike, right down to the thick brown hair and the chestnut eyes. Ray's sister was actually quite beautiful.

"It's nice to meet you Charlotte" Rachael said, extending her hand, "Ray has told me a lot about you"

Charlotte shook Rachael's hand, still unable to wipe the shock from her face.

"Since when do you have a sister?" She asked him.

"How old are you now?" Ray asked Rachael.

"23" she answered him.

"About 23 years" he said, turning back to Charlotte.

"But you never talk about her." She said, "I always thought you were an only child."

"I was, for about fourteen years of my life, and then this one decided to surprise our parents, so no, I'm not an only child." He said. Rachael leaned over and punched his arm.

"I'm actually shocked" Charlotte said, sitting down on the couch. "How come I've never heard about you until now?"

"Well, it's kind of hard to be known with a brother as a super hero" Rachael said, "When I was fifteen, Ray told me what had happened when he was a kid, when he became indestructible. I was shocked, like I'm sure you must have been when you found out. So he had to make sure I was never in any harm, so he sent me to live with our aunt in Europe. I've been there ever since."

Charlotte couldn't take her eyes off of Rachael. It was so weird, looking at a female version of Ray. It was almost like she was seeing double.

"So what are you doing here now?" She asked.

"Well, Ray called me in, said there was some investigating I needed to do?" Rachael said, looking at Ray for clarification. Charlotte looked at him too.

"It's Henry" he said, looking at her. "I don't know how to help him."

Charlotte's shoulders dropped with the mention of Henry. She had actually managed to forget about him for a few minutes, but hearing his name opened her mind back up to him.

"Henry as in your sidekick Henry?" Rachael asked Ray, "Is he okay?"

"Not really, no" Ray answered her, "I think he's hiding something"

"He's been really off lately" Charlotte continued, "like just all of a sudden, he's been acting like I barely exist, and he's been extremely sheltered. We're all worried about him."

Charlotte watched as Rachael's face changed. She could tell that she was thinking.

"He told me there's this girl" Ray said, breaking the silence.

"What?" Charlotte asked him, "what girl?"

"I don't know. He just kept asking me what I would do if I liked a girl and I didn't think she liked me back."

Charlotte was shocked. She was usually one of the first people Henry always went to with word of a new crush, so she was hurt to hear that he liked someone new, and felt as though he couldn't share that with her.

"Looks like I need to talk to him" Rachael said, "you know, random stranger to heartsick teenage boy."

"Whatever you do, do it fast okay? We need him back." Ray said, and Charlotte couldn't agree more.

No matter what happened, she needed Henry back, and she needed him more than ever.

Hello loves! Long time no chat! How are you all doing?

So ta da, here is one of the new characters I have created special for this story! I have always wondered  what Ray would be like as a family man, so I wanted to introduce a member of his family to the characters! We will find out more about Rachael in the next two chapters! She is going to play a HUGE part in this story, in allowing Henry to be honest about his feelings. Oh, and she may be incredibly badass!

Tomorrow night you will get TWO chapters instead of one, mostly because the one is all content and no dialogue, so I think it's super boring! Lol but yea, two chapters tomorrow!! Yay!!

Natalie xx

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