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The twenty minutes it took to drive to the warehouse were the longest of his life.

Every second that past brought him that much closer to saving Charlotte, and the moment seemed to drag on and on.

Finally, they pulled into the lot.

"Okay, Kid we need to figure out how we are going to do this." Ray said, turning around to face him.

Rachael had taken the wheel, like she had offered, and Ray got in beside her. Henry was stuck sitting in the back seat. He didn't mind though, it gave him a chance to think without being watched.

"Do we really need a plan, Ray?" Henry asked. "We basically have only one objective, get Charlotte and get out."

"Yes, but we also need to catch Gwen. If we let her get away again we may be in danger in the future. None of us can risk that."

Henry looked up at the building. Somewhere in those walls Charlotte sat, hopefully unharmed.

He had never felt so determined to hold her in his arms.

"We'll do what we always do" Henry said to him. "We fight, together. It's what we're best at."

Ray nodded at him, and climbed out of the van.

Henry opened his door, and walked behind the van to where Ray was standing. He was searching for weapons in the back.

"I don't even know what we're going to need." Ray said, sighing. "I don't want to hurt Charlotte."

"I don't either, but I swear, if Gwen even laid a hand on her. She's finished."

Henry's heart was beating. He felt the stamina building inside of him. All he wanted was to break the door down and save the day.

"I don't think weapons are going to be helpful here." Rachael said to them, leaning against the side of the van. "You're fighting a woman remember, one who already overpowered both of you before."

"So what are you thinking?" Ray asked her.

"Just basic training" she answered. "You don't need to destroy her, just disarm her. If you can get her on the ground, restrain her. Then she won't be much use to you anymore."

Ray looked at Henry, and he looked back. Rachael had a point.

"Where have you been all my life?" Ray asked, winking at her.

"In Europe" Rachael shot back.

Henry stood and watched the building. He wondered if she was scared. Or was she waiting, knowing that he would be there at any moment.

"Are you nervous?" Rachael stood beside him, her long hair blowing in the wind.

The air was cool, a quick reminder of how late in the year it was. And how late the night had fallen.

"Yea" he said, his voice just above a whisper.

"I believe in you Henry" she said to him. "I think it's high time that someone told you that. You can do this."

Rachel opened her arms and hugged him. Henry felt his heart calm down, for the first time that day. He was grateful for Rachael, more so than she would ever understand.

When Rachael pulled away, she walked over to her own brother and hugged him.

"Be careful you two" she said to them both. "I will be right here if you need me."

Ray walked up beside him. They stood there together, Captain Man and Kid Danger, ready to face the biggest challenge of their lives.

"This is for you, Charlotte." He said, as he walked through the front door into the unknown.

Heart to Hart - a Chenry FanficWhere stories live. Discover now