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He saw multiple emotions set into Rachael's face after he told her.

He saw shock, and then amazement, and then finally, joy. She smiled at him.

"You're in love with her?" She asked, still smiling. "Henry that's amazing!"

"Is it?" He asked, "because how I see it, it's basically been hell."

Rachael looked at him, her eyes gentle.

"You're afraid she doesn't feel the same way."

He looked back down at the mangled leaf in his hands. He nodded.

"That's why you've been avoiding her, why you won't look at her anymore. Because you're afraid you might tell her, and that she wouldn't tell you it back."

Henry sighed, hearing those words made him feel sick.

"Losing her is my biggest fear" he said, "I couldn't live with myself if I didn't have her anymore."

Henry noticed how dark the sky had gotten. It made him wonder how long he had been outside.

"You need to talk to her Henry." Rachael said, "she thinks you hate her, and that's why you've been avoiding her."

"That's crazy" Henry said, shaking his head, "how could she ever think I hated her?"

"Because in her eyes, all she sees is that her best friend has stopped talking to her, stopped laughing with her, stopped wanting to be around her. That's alarming Henry, and Charlotte took it as you not wanting to be her friend anymore."

He knew he had hurt Charlotte, and the thought made him want to punch himself. But hearing Rachael confirm his fears left a whole in his heart.

"What do I do?" He asked her. "I don't know how to get over this."

"Honestly Henry, I don't think this is something you can just get over. It's something you need to work through, with Charlotte. You need to find out how she feels."

Henry sighed. "I was afraid you would say that"

"But maybe you don't have to ask her" Rachael said. "Maybe I can."

Henry sat up, and looked at her. Was she really willing to help him?

"You would do that?" He asked, still amazed.

"Of course I would" Rachael smiled, "Henry you're both hurting. And if there is something I can do to ease that pain, I'll do it in a heartbeat. And besides, I like having someone to talk to."

Henry felt so relieved. He was so grateful to Rachael, knowing that she was willing to talk to Charlotte meant the whole world to him.

"Thank you" he said to her. She smiled at him, and nodded her head. He nodded his in return.

"I better get going" she said, standing up. She began to brush leaves off of her pants. "You need to go home Henry. It's cold out here, and it's getting really late. We'll talk more tomorrow."

He knew that she was probably right. If he stayed there much longer, his mother would begin to worry about him.

Rachael outstretched her hand, he reached out to take it. His legs felt numb underneath the weight of his body, and he wobbled before he had regained his balance. Rachael never let go of him.

"You're okay?" She asked, her hand on his back, ensuring he didn't fall.

"I think so, yeah" he said, sending her a tiny smile. "Thank you Rachael, for everything."

"It's what I do" she said, smiling back. "See you tomorrow Henry"

He watched as she began walking back towards the man cave. He couldn't believe he had only known the girl for literally hours, and he had shared his deepest secret with her. Or yet, it actually made him feel better.

Regardless, he was thankful she had tracked him down that night. If she hadn't, he probably would have sat there for hours.




After Rachael had vanished from his view, Henry turned around, and began walking home.

Hi all! Short chapter I know, not much really happened. If you hold off with me for another few chapters, you're gonna totally flip.

The next chapter has a HUGE reveal (maybe in the chat between Char and Rachael), and then the next two chapters begin part two of the story; the adventure, the action, and the fear. I can't wait!!

Thank you all for the continued love! This book now has over 1000 views, and almost 200 votes! It's insane! Thank you so much!

Until next time, Natalie xx

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