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The building was empty. Absolutely and utterly empty.

When they walked through the front door, a chill ran down Henry's spine. It was so cold and so eerie that he almost turned right around. But Charlotte kept him going.

They walked together, him and Ray, down the hallway. They looked into each room, watching for any sign of Charlotte or Gwen. So far they had no luck.

"Where are they?" Henry whispered, his voice echoing all around them.

"They're here. Keep an eye out." Ray answered him.

They kept moving, their flashlights beaming all around the rooms as they walked.

Finally, the hallway opened up into a room the size of an arena. There were flights of stairs leading up to the multiple different levels above them.

Charlotte could be anywhere.

Henry stood beside Ray, the two of them silent as they looked around the massive room.

"It's about time you two showed up" a voice broke through the silence. It sent a chill down Henry's spine.

He turned around to face the direction that the voice had come from. Instantly he felt his lungs burn with rage.


"We've been waiting for you boys all day" she said as she walked towards one of the walls. Instantly the room was filled with light.

He saw her properly then, her hair ratted and pouring down her back. She looked like a mess.

"Where's Charlotte" Henry called to her. His hands had formed fists at his sides.

"Oh she's here. We've had quite the day together. She's been expecting you Henry."

Had Ray not grabbed his wrist in time, Henry would have dove at her, shoving her body against the ground. He wanted her dead.

"Where is she Gwen?" Ray asked her, "She's just a kid. She's innocent in all of this."

Gwen laughed.

"Innocent, are you kidding me? She's the reason I'm out here. If she hadn't have figured out that I brain washed the two of you, Captain Man and Kid Danger would be no more. I would run Swellview. Charlotte ruined every dream I had for this world. She deserved what she got."

Henry's heart stopped.

What did she do to her?

Where was she?

Where was Charlotte?

Everything inside of him snapped. Every string to his heart, every part of his brain. Snapped.

He dove at Gwen, his arms outstretched as he tackled her to the floor. He didn't even mind the sting of the tears in his eyes. He had never hated a woman so much in his life.

Surprisingly, Gwen fought back. She tore at his face with her nails, and easily threw him off of her. He was shocked at how strong she was. But that didn't stop him from diving back in.

They rolled together on the ground, fighting back and forth. Every tear he had shed for Charlotte, every ounce of anger he felt towards Gwen flooded out of him.

He had never fought so hard in his life.

The only thing that stopped him, was Ray. He pulled him off of the ground, screaming his name until he finally calmed down enough to hear him.

"Henry!" Ray said to him, "Kid, hey. You need to calm down. Leave Gwen with me, you need to go and find Charlotte."

Henry's cheeks were hot. He touched them, and was surprised at the tears that now moistened his hands. When had he started crying?

He turned back and faced Gwen. She was sitting, blood staining just below her nose. She glared up at him.

No matter how much Henry wanted to keep on her, every punch representing a minute he spent away from Charlotte, he knew Ray was right. She was still missing somewhere.

He nodded up at Ray, and turned and ran.

He ran down the opposite hallway, ducking his head in each open door. She had to be there somewhere.

As the end of the hall approached, Henry felt a lump growing inside his throat. What if he couldn't find her?

When he reached the last door, he was surprised to find it locked. Every other door had been open, so he was curious as to why that one was closed. Something in his head told him to open it.

So he kicked at the doorknob until it fell off, allowing him to open the door.

When he did, his heart dropped in his chest.

For laying there on the ground, her eyes closed, was Charlotte.

Okay guys I'm actually getting obsessed with this book, and I'm the one writing it 😱 tomorrows chapter is actual kind of sad, kind of sweet and super sentimental. I can't wait for you guys to read it!

Until then, thank you for everything you have been doing and saying about this book, you don't know how much that means to me. I love you all!

Natalie xx

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