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In all the 18 years he had been alive, Henry had never been more relieved to be home.

He sat on the steps leading up to his window, and stared at his bed.

For there, sleeping, her arms folded around the pillow, was Charlotte.

After he had found her in that cold room, he held her, not wanting to let go. They had stayed there until Ray found them, and brought them both outside to the van.

Gwen had been arrested, and as she was taken out of the building, she had glared over at Henry. He fought every urge not to spit at her.

But he had more important things to worry about.

He had already planned with Charlotte's mother that she would be staying at his house, so when they returned back from the warehouse, he had taken her right home.

She fell asleep instantly.

Henry slept on the floor that night. Or rather, tossed and turned. He didn't want to be asleep if Charlotte woke up and needed him. So he made himself a cup of coffee and watched her sleep.

Seeing her laying there, so calm and peaceful, reminded him of when they were younger.

She had always acted so tough and intimidating around people. It was her way of making sure she wasn't forgotten about, because she was short. She scared the hell out of most people, but Henry had always been intrigued by her.

It wasn't until they sat alone in his room one night, that he finally saw the real Charlotte. The girl who was afraid of being judged, who never had a real friend before. The girl who just wanted to be loved.

If only she knew how deeply she was loved now.

And then she screamed.

She sat up bolt right in bed, gasping for air. He jumped down off the steps and ran to her.

"Charlotte, hey Charlotte it's okay. You're safe!"

She grabbed at his arms, and when she looked up at him his heart broke. She looked petrified.

"You're okay Char. It's me, Henry. You're in my room. You're safe."

Charlotte burst into tears. In five seconds flat he saw every wall she had ever built up shatter before his very eyes.

There was no hiding it, his best friend was broken.

He sat down on the bed beside her and pulled her shaking body into his arms. He held her against him, everything inside of him breaking with every sob.

As the minutes passed, Charlotte began to calm down; her tears slowing, and her breathing regulating.

She sat up beside him, rubbing at her tear stained eyes with her hands.

"I'm sorry" she whispered to him, sniffling.

"For what?" He asked her, his hand resting on her leg.

"Being so weak" she answered him. She wouldn't look him in the eye.

"Charlotte don't you dare." He said to her. "You have every right to be weak right now. You were in serious danger, you could have gotten hurt."

She looked down at her hands.

"She didn't hurt you, right?" He asked her. His heart raced in his chest with anticipation.

"She said she would hurt you." Charlotte said.

Henry was confused. "What do you mean?"

"She said if I didn't cooperate she would hurt you Henry." Charlotte looked up at him, her eyes red. "She threatened your life. I was so scared."

Henry reached out and wiped a falling tear from her cheeks.

"I'm fine Char." He smiled at her, "I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me, ever. I'm the superhero, remember? I'm the one who is supposed to be saving you."

Charlotte laughed. "I remember how you used to joke that you were superman, when we were kids. You said that one day you would save me from a monster and I would have to love you forever."

Henry smiled at the memory. He had forgotten all about his superman dreams until Charlotte had brought it up.

"Do you remember what you told me?" He asked her.

"I said, 'you try to save me from anything I will shove a nickel up your nose'." Charlotte said. They both laughed.

Henry reached over and grabbed his backpack. He dug around until he found what he was looking for. He held his hand out to Charlotte.

"What's this?" She asked him. He opened his hand, revealing the nickel.

"Let's get this over with" he sighed. Charlotte threw the coin at him, laughing.

Just like that, it was like old times. Even if it was for a few minutes, he had his Charlotte back.

"But seriously Henry, thank you." She said to him. He smiled at her.

"You're my superman"

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