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When Henry left her heart felt numb.

She didn't know how, but she knew that it was something she had done, or maybe said, that caused him to leave.

Was it because she said being away from him made her feel sad? Was that what had made him leave? Maybe it weirded him out.

She leaned back against the couch, and let out a sigh. She was so frustrated, both with herself and with Henry. It killed her that she couldn't figure out what was happening between them.

"Is he okay?" Rachael asked, turning around in her seat to where Henry had left, up the elevator. She then turned back around to face Charlotte. "Is that normal?"

"No. That definitely isn't normal" Ray answered for her.

She kept her eyes pointed at the floor, because for whatever reason, she felt like if she looked in either of their eyes, she would cry.

"I think it's me." She said, her voice quiet, anxious.

"What do you mean?" Rachael asked, "How could it be you?"

"Because he's only weird around me" she said.

There they were, the tears. They stung against her eyelids as she tried to blink them away.

"Oh Hun" she felt Rachael stand up, and then sit back down beside her. Her hand went around Charlotte's shoulders.

Whatever it was about Rachael that made her so comforting, Charlotte had no idea. But she laid her head on her shoulder, and cried.

She didn't hear him get up, but somehow she knew that Ray had left the room, leaving the girls to themselves. She was grateful for that, mostly because she was supposed to be the tough one, not the girl who cried because her best friend wouldn't talk to her.

"I just don't know what to do." Charlotte said, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "Why does he hate me all of a sudden?"

Rachael's eyes were caring. Charlotte found great comfort in them when she spoke, it made her heart almost seem like it wasn't breaking.

"I don't think he hates you Charlotte" Rachael said, "but there is something going on with him, something he doesn't want anyone to know."

"And that's what bothers me" she sighed, "I used to be the one person he told everything to. Literally everything. I'm the only one who knows he's Kid Danger. Why doesn't he trust me with whatever this secret is?"

Rachael took her hand. Her fingers were cold and dry.

"If there is one thing I learned from Ray's stories about you two, it's that you love each other. A lot. He's your best friend, and you two have been though so much together. This is not going to be what pulls you two apart."

"I hope not" Charlotte said, "I can't imagine my life without Henry in it. He's the closest thing I have to a forever."

Rachael smiled at her, and shockingly, Charlotte felt well enough to smile back.

"In going to find out what's bothering him so much, I want you to understand that. Ray called me in because he knows things aren't okay. I'm here to fix that."

Charlotte was incredibly thankful for Rachael. She had only known the girl for a few hours, but already she felt a friendship growing.

"You should stick around for a while" Charlotte said, "It's nice to have another girl to talk to. I've missed that."

"Well, sweetie, I'm here for as long as you all need me. So don't be afraid to need me, okay?"

Charlotte nodded.

"Now, dry your tears, and go get yourself some ice cream or something. I'm going to grab my coat, and go see if I can catch up to Henry."

"You're going to find him?" She asked, a little surprised.

"Hell yea I am. This boy has a secret, and I'm ready to find out what it is. And besides, no one deserves to be alone when their brain won't shut off."

Charlotte watched as Rachael opened the elevator, and walked into it. When she turned around again, she smiled at her.

"Don't forget, ice cream." Rachael winked. And then the door closed and she was gone.

Charlotte wiped the last few tears that had stained her cheeks, then she walked towards the snack machine. She wasn't one to turn down an offer of ice cream.

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