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Never before had a text message worried her, but the one she had just received from Henry brought out the butterflies in her stomach.

Meet me on top of the mancave at 7:30. I need to tell you something.

She kept reading it over and over again in her head, trying to figure out just what it was he needed to tell her.

Was he hurt? Was he worried about her being taken, and wanted a private place to talk?

She sat on her bed, her mind laced with worry. Henry had never been so private before, so secretive. But she couldn't help but remember back to the night he seemed to change, the night where her Henry had shifted into someone almost unrecognizable.

Every bone in her body wanted to hear the truth, wanted to know what exactly it was he needed to tell her. She anxiously waited for 7:30 to roll around.

When it did, she walked, hesitantly, to Junk N Stuff.

In the man cave, Charlotte looked around, hoping to find Rachael, or even Ray, to ask them about Henry and their strange meeting. Much to her dismay, the place was deserted, not a soul in sight.

Sighing, Charlotte walked up to the platform, and called for the tube. She closed her eyes as the force shot her up to the top level of the building. From there, she walked up the last flight of stairs to the roof.

When she opened the door, her heart stopped.

Set out in the middle of the roof, was a round table covered in a red cloth. Two chairs were set out at opposite ends of it, placed before two plates. It looked like it was set out for a date.

But why would it be in the same place that Henry had invited her to?

She walked closer to the table, her heart pounding in her chest.

The table was overlooking the entire city. Lights were strewn as far as she could see. It was one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen.

All of a sudden music began playing, and it sounded like it was coming from behind her. She spun around, and all too quickly she lost her breath.

For standing there, his hair slicked back, holding a rose, was Henry.

He had never looked more handsome in his entire life.

"Henry" she breathed his name, still at a loss for words. What was all of this?

"Hi" he smiled at her, his dimples showing. She shivered with the coolness of the wind.

"This is for you" he said, handing her the rose. She took it from him, her fingers brushing against his. His skin felt so warm.

"What is this?" She asked him, unable to take her eyes off of him.

She could not in her right mind think of why Henry had handed her a rose, why he had dressed up, or decorated the roof. She wasn't special enough for any of that stuff, she was just Charlotte.

"This is all for you" he said to her, reaching out to take her hand.

She was shocked at how easily her fingers moulded into his, almost as if holding hands was the easiest thing they had ever done.

"There's something I have wanted to tell you for so long" he whispered to her, his breath touching her cheeks.

She breathed in the scent of him, one that she had known for so long. He was so familiar to her, so beautiful.

"What is it?" She asked him, her eyes locked on his. He looked away briefly, biting at his bottom lip.

Then he said the three words that she only expected to hear in her dreams.

"I love you"

Heart to Hart - a Chenry FanficWhere stories live. Discover now