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Whoever said love didn't hurt, was clearly the biggest liar walking.

Because ever since the day he realized he loved his best friend, he hadn't gone a minute without wanting to scream.

Henry's heart was stuck at a crossroads, with two very real and very painful truths in front of him.

With the one, he was hurting, hiding his feelings at the deepest part of his heart, ensuring that no one could find them. He had to lose a piece of himself in order to appear fine to those around him. Was hurting himself the best way to live?

With the other, he was hurting the one person he cared for more than anyone else in his life. And it was killing him. As he hid his feelings, he stopped being the friend that Charlotte needed, and deserved. And he could physically see what that was doing to her. She looked miserable without him.

Henry wished he had someone that he could talk to, a friend to console in. But everyone that he knew, knew Charlotte, and his biggest fear would be their desire to tell her the truth.

He had never felt so alone.

He left his house fifteen minutes earlier than he normally did, and began walking to work. Before he got to the man cave, he stopped at the park.

He sat down on a bench, and just watched, all of the people living their lives, perfectly happy with the people they loved the most.

It made him kind of mad, so he kept walking.

Eventually he arrived at Junk N Stuff, and he walked to the back of the store to the elevator. When the doors opened at the bottom of the building, he took a deep breath and walked out.

Time to lie again.

He was surprised to not see Charlotte at the computer, where she spends most of her time. He wondered where she had gone.

He walked in and sat down on the couch, and pulled out his phone. He knew someone would find him eventually.

A few minutes later, the door to Ray's living space opened, and two voices instantly filled the room. One of them belonged to Ray, the other, a woman that Henry didn't recognize. When he spun around, he was shocked.

"Seriously Ray, another one?" He said, standing up, "Didn't you learn from Gwen"

"Woah! Henry, what are you talking about?" Ray asked him.

"You brought another girl down here? Seriously?" Henry couldn't believe Ray.

Gwen had been a criminal that Captain Man had been in the process of pursuing, when she drugged him with a toxin that manipulated his brain into thinking that he was in love with her. Gwen had found a way into the man cave, and discovered both Ray and Henry's real identities. He had only hoped that Ray had learned from the first time.

"Okay first of all, Gwen drugged me, there was nothing I could do about her." Ray said. "And second, this isn't some girl I'm into. Kid, this is my sister, Rachael."

Henry felt his mouth drop open. Not once in the years he had known Ray had he ever mentioned having any siblings, let alone a full adult sister.

"You have a sister?" He asked, his mind filling with so many questions.

"Last I checked yea" Ray smiled, folding his arms over his chest.

"It's nice to meet you Henry" Rachael said, holding her hand out to him. He reached out and took it. "I've heard a lot about you"

"I wish I could say the same to you" he said, looking back at Ray. "But this is the first time I've even heard your name"

"That's a bit of a long story" Rachael said, looking at Ray, then back to Henry. "I told Charlotte I would wait until you were here to tell it, I'm going to go and grab her and then we can all sit down."

Henry nodded just as Rachael was walking out of the room. He turned to Ray

"So any other family members you have hidden in your back pocket?" He asked him.

"Look kid I know you're shocked, but trust me, I couldn't tell anyone about her, I haven't seen her myself in almost ten years. It was safer that way."

Henry saw something in Ray's eyes, pain of some sorts. He didn't want to push any further.

Before long, the door opened up again and Rachael returned, followed by Charlotte. His heart sped up a bit when he saw her, and he had to swallow it back down in his chest.

"Hey Hen" she said as she sat beside him, just loud enough that he could hear her.

"Hey" he said back to her. She smiled up at him.

"It's nice to see you two together" Ray smirked at them, "seems like forever since you have been in the same room as each other."

Henry looked down at his hands. All he felt was alone.

Heart to Hart - a Chenry FanficWhere stories live. Discover now