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When school ended that day, she walked to her locker to grab her bag, then waited for Henry at his.

She stood, leaning against his locker door, watching the hallways empty. It wasn't like Henry to be late, but as she watched the time tick by, she knew that something was up.

Eventually, Charlotte was standing, alone in the hallway, wondering what had happened to her best friend. Where the hell was he?

Frustrated and tired, Charlotte gave up waiting, and began to walk to work. She hoped Ray wouldn't mind her being a few minutes late.

When she got to Junk N Stuff, a part of her hoped that Henry would be inside. But when she walked into the store, she was partially relieved to see that he wasn't.

A quick trip down the elevator from the devil himself, and Charlotte had reached the man cave.

"Charlotte, finally. You're late for work" a voice called from another room.

She didn't have to see his face to know that it was Ray, her boss, and the infamous Captain Man.

"Is Henry here?" She called back to him, putting her backpack down on the floor.

"You know Henry doesn't start work until 6pm" he said to her, walking out into the main room. "Why, what's up?"

"Somethings off with him" she said, sitting down on the couch. Ray walked over to her, and sat down opposite her.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well for starters last night when I left his house, he was all weird and silent, didn't say goodbye when I left."

"He didn't say goodbye?" Ray interrupted, his voice full of hesitation.

"He always says goodbye" Charlotte said.

"Anyway, then today at school, he avoided me at all costs, until I finally walked up to him and forced him to speak to me. But then he just used the lamest excuse to run away and not walk with me to class. Can you believe that?" She continued.

Ray crossed his arms over his chest, not showing any form of reaction, he was just listening.

"And then when school was done, I went to his locker to wait for him, like I always do, because we always walk home together, and he never came. I was waiting for like thirty minutes after school, and he never showed up. So that's why I was late, that's why I asked if Henry was here, because I just want to know what's up!"

Charlotte felt good to finally express herself to someone, but by the look on Ray's face, she was wary on if she had picked the right guy to talk to.

"Ray?" She asked him, wondering where his head was right then.

"None of that sounds like Henry" he finally said, his arms still crossed over his chest.

"I know, that's what I was saying. I don't know what's wrong with him." Charlotte could hear the frustration in her own voice. She hoped it didn't make her sound pathetic.

"So this has just been recently?" Ray asked her, standing up.

"Just as recent as last night" she answered him.

"Okay, well let's not say anything to him just yet. I want to see how he is at work today, maybe it was just him not feeling well at school or something." Ray said.

"No it's not that, Ray. I've known Henry for most of my life, and I know when he isn't feeling well. This isn't it, this is something completely different. I just want to know what it is." Charlotte sighed.

"Don't worry Charlotte, we'll figure this out." He put his hand on her shoulder, his way of saying 'hey, get back to work and stop worrying about your dorky friend.'

"Aye Aye Captain" she said, walking over to the main desk.

"Hey! How many times do I have to tell you not to say that to me!" Ray said. Charlotte couldn't help but smile.

"Sorry Ray, I had to get some sort of normal back into my life. You're just the sorry sucker who had to be it."

"Yea well, just do computer stuff, you know, do your job. I'm gonna go take a bath." He said as he left her alone.

As she worked away, tracking criminals, she couldn't help but watch the clock, and count down the time until she could confront Henry in person.

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