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He woke up the next morning ready to take on the day. After his conversation with Rachael, he felt like a weight had been lifted from his chest. It was much easier to breathe now.

He couldn't even explain the relief he had felt when he finally said the words aloud; that he had feelings for his best friend. After keeping them contained for so long, it felt good to finally let them free.

When he arrived at school that day, he was surprised to see that Charlotte wasn't at her locker. She was always there, waiting for him. Something didn't seem right, but he brushed the thought away.

As he went through his day, he grew more and more nervous, worried about Charlotte. She hadn't shown up to lunch, and when he asked Jasper, he said that he hadn't seen her all day.

Before math class, Henry waited at his locker for Charlotte to show up, but as the time ticked by, she was nowhere to be found. He stared at her empty desk the entire class, wondering just where she could be.

Was she sick? Did she wake up that morning with a cold, and just forgot to text him?

His mind was racing with every possible explanation for her absence, most of them worried him. He decided to go to her house after school, and make sure she was okay.

And he did.

When the bell rang, he raced to his locker to grab his things, and then pushed his way out the front door of the school. He walked the usual route they took after school, but instead of continuing down his street, he turned right onto Charlotte's. He hoped she would open the door, her pyjamas on, her hair pulled back, and tell him he was worried about nothing. Tell him she was okay.

But instead, when he knocked, the first face he saw was that of her mother.

"Henry! It's so good to see you!" She smiled at him, "How are you?"

Charlotte's mom was one of Henry's favourite people. She was like a second mother to him, so loving and so sweet. He found himself always wanting to be over at their house.

"I'm good Mrs. Bolton, how are you?" He smiled back.

"I'm doing well, thanks for asking. What can I do for you Hun?"

"Um, is Charlotte home?" He asked her. Moment of truth.

"Charlotte? No, Henry she told me she was going to your house today after school. She said you had a pop quiz to study for."

Henry felt his mouth hang open.

"When did she tell you that?" He asked.

"This morning, when she left for school. Henry are you feeling okay, you look a little pale? Should I call your mother?"

"Um no, no I'm fine thank you. I forgot she mentioned that actually. I was coming by here to grab her." Henry faked a laugh, covered up the shock that was forcing itself into his mind.

"Sorry to bother you!" He said as he began to walk away.

"Oh Henry it's never a bother. You know you're always welcome here." She smiled at him. "Tell my Charlotte I love her okay?"

He nodded as he walked down the front steps of her house. His mind was overrun with thoughts, questions, fear.

If Charlotte had left that morning for school, why didn't she show up to any of her classes? Where had she gone?

He quickly ran home, just around the corner, and burst through the front door. His mother was in the kitchen.

"Henry, honey, careful with the door."

She was so normal, so calm. It was almost like Charlotte may not be missing and everything was totally fine.

"Mom, is Charlotte here?" He asked her, his heart racing in his chest.

"No, just your sister and I. Dad will be home late again tonight. You can invite Charlotte over for dinner if you would like."

If she wasn't at his house, then where was she?

He turned around and ran back outside, leaving his mother and her trailing screams behind him.

He had to find her, but where, where was she? All he knew was that she had left for school that morning and never arrived.

He ran, as fast as his legs could possibly move, all the way to the one person he knew could help him.


Here is the beginning of act two; the part where Henry realizes that he has to love people like every day he spends with them could be their last. It's going to get intense, and probably a little sad, so hang in there!!

I may post again tonight, depends on if I can get the next chapter edited to my standard in time! Lol!! Hope you are liking the story so far!!

Natalie xx

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