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Charlotte laid on her bed, wondering just what her heart was thinking.

The whole time she was locked in the room, scared and afraid, one thing kept passing through her mind.

Will I ever see Henry again?

Her life had never been in danger before, so she never had to even think of what she would be leaving behind.

But after Gwen had taken her, she couldn't help but wonder.

If she died that day, what kind of a legacy was she leaving?

What would she have regretted not doing?

Who would she have left behind, and how would they have seen their time with her?

Every thought kept jumping back to one question;

Am I content with lying to myself, in order to spare my heart?

Charlotte had known for years, that she was in love with Henry.

When she first realized it, they had been fourteen, and she knew that she was the last thing he would ever consider falling in love with.

She was no where near the kind of girl he liked, and that hurt her more than anything.

She hated looking at Henry and seeing everything that she wanted, when she knew that she was nothing that he deserved. It killed her.

So very quickly, she learned to hide her feelings, as far inside of her heart as possible.

For a while it hurt, watching him fall in love with the wrong girls, just to get his heart broken over and over again, knowing that she would guard his heart with her whole being. But eventually the pain was numbed, and it didn't hurt every time she looked at him.

She had lived that way for four years.

It protected her heart, because the worst thing she could ever do was open her heart up, just to have it ripped apart again.

But she couldn't handle the emotional turmoil anymore.

She had been lying to herself for years. Telling herself that she was okay just being his friend, that she didn't really love him.

But she did love him.

She loved every part of his soul, every flaw that he had, every mistake that he had ever made. She loved his heart, his smile, even his obnoxious catchphrases. Every aspect of Henry was so beautiful to her, so incredibly precious.

He was her one true love, the only boy she had ever had feelings for.

And she lied to herself every day saying that she didn't see him that way, that she didn't want to wrap her arms around him and never let him go, that she didn't want to kiss him more than anything in the whole world.

She was tired of lying.

She was tired of hiding.

She finally understood that each day she wakes up to is a gift, one that she may not get tomorrow.

If she wanted something, she needed to reach out and grab it, instead of letting it fall through her fingers.

She wanted Henry.
She needed Henry.

It was finally time for the truth.

When she got ready to go to dinner with him and his family that night, she felt a new strength in her heart that she had never noticed before.

For the wall that she had been hiding behind for years finally broke down around her.

Heart to Hart - a Chenry FanficWhere stories live. Discover now