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When the elevator opened him up to the man cave, he saw no one. The place was empty. Frantic, he started screaming.

"Ray!" He said, pounding his hands on the door, "Ray come on it's an emergency."

Less than ten seconds later, the door opened, and Ray, and Rachael came into the room.

"Kid, calm down, what's going on?" Ray asked him, his eyes wide with curiosity.

"It's Charlotte" he said, his voice a half whisper.

"Did you tell her?" Rachael asked him. There was only one thing she could be referring to.

"Tell her what?" Ray asking, looking between the two of them.

"No, I didn't tell her anything. I didn't have a chance to even talk to her today. She's gone, Ray. I can't find her."

His heart was pounding against the wall of his chest. He needed to find her, he had to find her.

"What do you mean you can't find her? Henry what's going on?" Ray crossed his arms over his chest. His eyes looked worried. No matter how secretive Ray tried to be about his heart, it was obvious to Henry that he cared deeply for Charlotte.

"She didn't show up for school today. None of her classes. So when school was done, I went to her house. Her mom told me that Charlotte left for school today, and planned on going to my house after. She left her house, and disappeared Ray. She's nowhere."

Ray looked at Rachael, and even though they didn't say anything, Henry knew they were worried.

"Ray what do we do" Henry said, "I'm so scared."

Before Ray had an opportunity to respond, the door to the back room opened, and Schwoz ran in, waving a piece of paper over his head.

"Ray, Ray!" He screamed, "Ray, we have a problem!"

"What is it Schwoz?" Ray asked, "We have a bit of a situation here."

"I found this note in the back."

Schwoz handed the note over to Ray, who read it over. Henry was standing across from Ray, so he couldn't see what the note said. But by the look on his face, it wasn't good.

The colour in Ray's face drained.

"Ray, what is it?" Henry asked, his heart beating too fast.

Ray looked up at him, his eyes wide. Rachael leaned over him, and took the note for herself. She read it, and gasped. Her hand flew over her mouth, and she looked up at Ray.

Henry was petrified.

"Rachael" he said, looking at her. She turned to him, her eyes moistening with tears.

She handed him the note, her hand shaking ever so slightly. He looked down and read it.

Ray, Henry.

You wronged me once, ruined my shot at success. I promised you I would be back, so here I am. You took my power away, so this time, I have taken something of yours. I suggest you do as I have instructed, or you won't see your friend again. She is mine now.


The rest of the note went on to describe the so called instructions that had been mentioned before, but Henry didn't read them. He was caught up over the last line.

She is mine now.

There was only one 'she' the note could be referring to.

"Charlotte" he breathed, his face riddled with shock. Someone had taken her. She was gone.

"We need to figure out who wrote that note if we want to find Charlotte" Rachael said.

"I already know who wrote it." Ray sighed, running his hand through his hair. He looked as upset as Henry felt.

"Who?" She asked him. Ray looked up at Henry.

"Think about it Kid. The note referred to us, not Captain Man and Kid Danger. So whoever it is knows our real identities. And there is only one other person who knows that."

Henry thought back to every criminal he and Ray had ever put away. Who knew their real identities? Who knew that Charlotte worked there with them? Who had they betrayed so greatly that they decided to come back for vengeance?

And then he remembered.

She wanted to disable Captain Man, and eventually Kid Danger, so that she and the other criminals of Swellview could roam free without fear they would be caught.

She almost took over their brains, but Charlotte had saved them. Charlotte helped ruin her plan.

So she was back for revenge, and in her genius plan, she took one of her problems, knowing that it would hurt the others.

She was pure evil. And she had his best friend.


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