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He sat beside Ray on the couch, flipping through a list of abandoned properties that Rachael had printed off.

He was shocked to see how many of them there were.

"Remind me again why we are looking through these?" He asked, to anyone who would answer him.

"Because, usually when criminals are trying to make a name for themselves, they camp out inside of an abandoned warehouse or factory, somewhere they know that no one will find them." Ray answered him.

"So we want to pick out some that are isolated enough that Gwen may have taken Charlotte. We find the right one, we find her." Rachael finished. She was still scrolling through the computer.

They had been looking for almost an hour, page after page, building after building. None were isolated enough for Gwen and Charlotte to be in.

Henry felt frustrated, more so than he had ever been in his life. He wanted to find Charlotte, but it seemed like time was frozen, moving slower than ever. He couldn't help but wonder if they would ever find her.

Just then, Schwoz came running through the side door, his eyes wide open.

"Rachael, move over" he said, sitting down in her chair. Henry and Ray walked over to where the computers were.

"What did you find Schwoz?" Ray asked him. He didn't answer.

His fingers typed on the  keyboard, and his eyes stayed focused on the screen. Somehow, all three of them knew not to ask anymore questions. They just stood and watched.

"Look" Schwoz finally said, turning around in the chair. He pointed at the screen.

Henry saw an advertisement for a building that was set for demolition. It was large enough to encase an entire football stadium.

"It's an abandoned factory" Schwoz began, "it's been empty for months, and it's located about two miles outside of Swellview. In the middle of nowhere."

Henry's heart began pounding against the wall of his chest. It was the only isolated building they had found all day. Was it where Charlotte had been taken?

"It fits what we think Gwen would go to" Ray said, his arms crossed over his chest. "How are we supposed to know for sure?"

"The building just popped up in the criminal system. Someone reported two women going into the building earlier this morning. They reported it because they knew the building was supposed to be abandoned."

Henry felt his heart stopped. It had to be them. It had to be Charlotte. She was there, she was so close.

He tuned and started walking towards the tubes.

"Kid, where do you think you're going?" Ray asked him. Henry pulled out his gum tube.

"Do you even need to ask that question Ray?" He asked, popping the gum into his mouth. "I'm going to save Charlotte."

Ray looked back at Rachael and Schwoz before turning back to him.

"Look Kid, I know you want to help save her, but I don't think you should be going on this mission. It's too personal to you."

Henry felt his mouth hang open. He couldn't believe Ray. After all the pain and the tears he had showed after he realized Charlotte was gone, he was shocked that Ray would even consider making him stay put.

"You know full well that's not happening." Henry said. He blew his bubble, changing into his costume. "Ray, she is my best friend. My everything. The only reason she even knows who Gwen is is because of me. She is out there, scared and alone. I need to be the one to save her, to bring her home. So don't you dare tell me that I'm staying here."

Rachael smiled at him. She nodded her head.

"Now if you're coming with me, let's go. I need to know that she's okay."

Henry turned around and walked to stand underneath his tube. He watched as Ray sighed, and then walked up the stairs to stand beside him.

"You're so stubborn Kid" he whispered to him.

"Like you'd want me to be anything else." Henry countered. He saw Ray smile, just a bit.

"I'm coming with you" Rachael called from across the room.

"Uh no you're not" Ray said to her. "You're going to stay here with Schwoz."

"Ray, you can't stop me from coming with you. You know full well you could use another pair of hands. Even if I'm just driving the van. I'm coming."

Ray looked over at Henry, he just shrugged. Truthfully, he wanted Rachael to go with them.

"Fine" Ray said, holding his arms open for Rachael to join him. They shot up one tube, and Henry went up the other.

Only two miles separated him and his best friend.

It was time to save her.

Hi all!

Here is one of two chapters that will be up today! The second will be up tonight!

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who commented on the last chapter, your words of encouragement made my entire weekend. I write because I love to, not because I feel like I have to. This fanfic has really sparked my passion again, and its so sweet to hear everything you have to say! I am truly blessed to have all of you by my side ❤️

Natalie xx

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