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Later that night, after everything with Charlotte had sort of blown over, Henry was finally able to relax a bit.

Ray had invited him to do a routine watch over Swellview, so they had boarded the mancopter and began their trek.

It wasn't long before Ray began asking questions.

"So, kid" he began, "are you feeling okay?"

"Yea why" Henry asked.

"Oh, no reason. Charlotte had just mentioned that you were acting a little strange today. Just wanted to make sure that you were doing okay is all."

Henry closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

Henry knew that if he were going to suppress his feelings for Charlotte, he would need to learn to be around her without acting like such a weirdo.

"Yea, I'm fine" he answered, using his binoculars to look out over the city. "Just a little tired is all."

"Well you know if there is something, anything, you could talk to me, right?" Ray said, looking over at him.

Henry glanced over at his boss, shooting him a quick smile. "I know" he said back.

"Good, cause I have your back kid, I wouldn't want you to ever feel alone."

Henry sat in silence for most of the ride, wondering if he could tell Ray of his feelings. He and Ray both worked with Charlotte, so would him telling Ray his feelings affect the way he was at work too? Would Ray be tempted to tell Charlotte, or would he keep Henry's secret, and be able to help him through his emotions.

He wanted to trust Ray, but he just wasn't sure what way to go. So instead, he played it safe.

"So Ray" he began, turning to face him.

"Yea kid?" Ray answered.

"Say I liked this girl, who I didn't think liked me. And I wanted to tell her, but I was afraid it would ruin the way she saw me, what would you do?" He asked, hoping that he was being as blunt as possible.

"I knew you had a secret in that brain of yours" Ray laughed, directing the copter back towards the man cave. "What's her name?"

"That doesn't matter right now" Henry said, "What would you do?"

"Well" Ray began, "I would try to find out her feelings, without directly asking her if she liked anyone. Then I would go from there."

"Would you try to like somebody else, knowing that this person you wanted to be with may never want to be with you in return?" Henry asked.

Ray landed the copter down on the roof of the man cave, and turned in his seat to look at him.

"This has really messed you up hasn't it?" He asked. Henry didn't answer him.

"Is this why you've been so weird today? Your heart is confused isn't it?"

Henry looked down at his feet, he fiddled with the zipper on his jacket.

"You know kid, it helps to talk about it, whatever it is you're feeling." Ray said to him.

"But I can't talk to any of you" he blurted out, looking up at Ray. "I just can't."

He could hear Ray rustle in his seat beside him. "You need to talk to someone Henry"

Unsure of what to say next, he opened the door of the copter, and climbed out onto the roof. He heard Ray get out after him.

"Henry, don't lock yourself away, okay? We all need you here." Ray said to him.

"And I need her" Henry whispered to himself, as he walked through the door and down into the man cave.

Hey all! Long time no chat! How are you all doing? How are you liking the story so far?

So here's my plan; the next few chapters will introduce a new character, one that I am very proud of! She will play as a bit of a peacemaker between all of the main characters, and she will be the one Henry confides in over his feelings.

Then ultimately, part two will begin, where things turn bad, really really fast. And I may or may by be re-introducing an old criminal who's sole purpose is to ruin the things closest to Henry and Ray 😱 stay tuned!

Thanks for the support so far!

Natalie xx

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