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"I love you."

The truth. Finally.

Charlotte leaned back away from him, her eyes wide, her cheeks touched with a hint of red.

"I love you, Charlotte" he said again, smiling at her. He reached up and touched his hand to her cheek.

She looked up at him, her mouth slightly open, her lips parted. His heart smiled with her, he could not believe how beautiful she looked in that moment.

"You love me?" She asked him, reaching out to take his hand. She held it in her own, their arms hanging by their sides.

"More than anything in the world." He answered her.

Charlotte released his hand, turned away from him, and walked towards the other side of the roof. He could tell her mind was racing. He watched as she stopped, looking out over the city line.

"But I thought you liked Bianca" she said, turning back around to face him. Even across the roof he could see the sparkle of her eyes. He knew how easy it would be to get lost in them.

"I liked her." He said, following after her. He walked around the table, and stood before her, just close enough that their hands could touch.

"But I never loved her. It's you Charlotte, it's always been you."

He looked down at her eyes, his heart wavering when he noticed tears there. He swallowed the nerves that were still lingering in his body.

"You deserve more than me Henry" Charlotte said to him, looking down at the ground. He could tell that she was trying to distance herself from him.

"Would you stop saying that?" He raised his voice. She looked back up at him, the tears dancing in her eyes as she looked at him.

"Charlotte you are the most beautiful girl that I have ever met. And I don't just mean how you look. Your heart is the most precious thing I have ever seen. I can't help but look at you and fall more in love with you every day. And it kills me that you don't see what I see. Because in my eyes, you are my happily ever after. You're my forever, Charlotte."

He stood there in front of his best friend, his heart strewn on his sleeve. He felt a weight lift off of his shoulders, and truthfully, he couldn't help but smile.

"You're the love of my life." He whispered, closing the space between them.

Charlotte looked up at him, her eyes dark and soft. He wiped a fallen tear from her cheek, his hand holding the back of her head.

He knew there would never be a better time. So he leaned in, and with the soft music playing from his CD player, he kissed her.

His lips touched hers, and every firework in his mind went off. He had never felt so amazing in his whole life.

He felt Charlotte's hand move to hold his. He could not have pictured a more beautiful moment.

When he pulled away from her, he was surprised to see tears cascading down her face. She looked down briefly, pulling her hands up to wipe them away. Then her eyes returned to his.

"You mean it?" She asked, her voice soft.

Henry smiled. "I mean it."

"Good. Because I love you too." Charlotte's voice cracked as she cried, smiling up at him. He had never seen her so vulnerable.

Henry smiled with everything he had. He had truly never been happier.

He leaned down and kissed her again, this time his hands pulling her face up into his. He felt her smile against his lips.

When they pulled away the second time, his heart leaped with joy. She was smiling up at him, her hands wrapped around his arms, still holding her face.

They stood that way for what seemed like eternity, soaking in every part of the special moment. Their eyes were locked on each other's. His smile never dropped.

Eventually, Charlotte leaned into him, resting her head against his chest. She reached her arms around his waist, and he hugged her with every inch of love he had. His heart had never been so full.

He rested his head against hers, and smiled into the night air. He had truly never loved someone with so much of who he was.

And as he hugged her right then, his life had never been so beautiful.

Heart to Hart - a Chenry FanficWhere stories live. Discover now