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Luke brought me along to his shopping. He said we needed to go grocery shopping but now we were in a small coffee shop that was quite busy.

I walked back over to our small table, two straws in my hand since we forgot to grab them. I offered to grab them because I already felt bad that Luke felt like he had to drag me around.

When I came back to the table, I found a bleach-blond girl with enough makeup to put a birthday cake to shame. Her shirt was white, see through and clung so tight you could tell she wasn't wearing a bra. She grinned and ugly grin and thrust her fake boobs in Luke's face.

She spun her keys around her finger, but dropped them on purpose. She started to bend down but I grabbed them first.

"I think you dropped these." I said, giving her a fake smile, "But if I'm being honest, the only things that really need dropped right now are his pants and my skirt."

I batted my eyelashes innocently, dropping the keys in the girl's hands before looking at Luke, "Isn't that right...Daddy."

The girl walked off, mumbling something about me being disgusting. I rolled my eyes and sat down in my seat.

"Like I'd listen to anyone with nails like that." I scoffed.

I poked my straw through the plastic top of my drink before looking up at the blond across from me. He just kinda looked at me with a glint of pride in his eyes but also a bit of shock.

"Don't give me that look." I whined, "She was annoying."

Luke chuckled and shook his head, "You're truly something else."

"Am not. I should've slapped her." I grumbled.

"Little jealous aren't we?" Luke smirked.

"Duh. Green looks good on me. Matches my eyes." I retort sassily, making him laugh.

I sighed softly and looked around the packed shop, "I don't see why you like Starbucks. Its coffee. Anyone can make coffee. Why do you need a coffee shop?"

"Its Starbucks though. Its better." Luke stated.

"Any one can put coffee, whipped cream and chocolate syrup in a cup and call it a Chocolate latte." I shrug, "Its unoriginal. Just like half the people here. Like, oh my, look at me. My pretty little Uggs and my blond waves."

I flip my imaginary hair, still using my fake girl voice, "And my hot pink nails that matches my Pink shirt but its not actually pink its just the brand name. And oh my you spill my Starbucks on my new shoes!"

When I looked away from the laughing blond in front of me, I saw tons of people glaring at me.

"I think we should leave." I mumbled, grabbing my hot chocolate.

"Yeah. I think you made a few people mad." Luke replied, getting up.

"And I think that old lady heard me call you daddy. Now lets go."


As I watched Michael pull funny faces as he tried on obnoxious sunglasses, I realized he wasn't that bad. He certainly wasn't Johnny but he definitely had his own little quirks.

I remember how jealous Johnny would get but he'd always just glare and look like he'd kill the boy or girl, while Michael sassed them.

"Ready to go baby?" I asked, pushing the full shopping cart towards the exit.

He nodded and put the orange sunglasses back. Michael slipped his hand into mine and we walked out of the grocery store together.

I put everything in the trunk of the range rover while Michael got into the car. By the time I finally got in the driver's seat, Michael was smiling, proud that he buckled his seat belt by himself.

"Are we going anywhere else?" Mikey asked.

"Just home." I replied, putting the keys in the ignition.

"Can I unpin my tail? Its starting to hurt." He asked quietly.

I nodded since my eyes were trained on backing out of the parking space. I got to the exit, stuck behind three other cars so I glanced over at Michael.

He had kicked off his boots and his hand was under his skirt, pulling something lacey and white down his thighs. He caught me staring when he finally got the garter belt off.

"Its a green light." He stated.

I turned back to the road, merging onto the main road. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see him putting his boots back on.

I set my hand on his thigh when he stopped moving. Michael placed his hand on top of mine, softly pushing my hand higher. I smirked and squeezed his thigh, knowing my hand was centimeters away from his lace.

"When are Ashie and Callie coming back?" Michael asked.

"Two days baby." I replied, drumming my fingers against his warm skin.

He nodded, looking out the window as I pulled into our huge driveway and up into our garage. Michael unbuckled and moved to open the door.

I locked the door before he could touch it. Michael looked over at me and I pressed my lips to his. He hummed, kissing me back and running his small fingers through my hair.

I pulled away slowly, pecking his lips quickly before unlocking the doors and getting out. Michael climbed out as well, joining me at the trunk.

"You tease." He mumbled, pouting slightly.

"I'm the tease?" I asked, "I don't think so baby."

"You are a tease." Michael stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

I grabbed his small wrists and pinned his body up against the back of the car.

"You want to say that again? Who's the tease?" I asked, my lips at his ear.

"You." He whispered, "Daddy's the tease."

I tsked, "You're the tease baby. Little short skirts...do we need to talk about what's under these skirts?"

My hands went to the hem of his pink skirt and my fingertips brushed against his cool skin.

"No." Michael mumbled.

"What was that?" I asked.

"No daddy.." He repeated.

"You don't say no to me baby." I stated, lifting his skirt so I could see the matching pink lace that had a thick white bow on his bum.

I hummed and bit my lip as i looked at how the lace fit his curves, "Bend down baby."

He listened and bent down in front of me. My hands went to his hips and down his thighs.

"Who's the tease baby?"

"I'm the tease daddy. "

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