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It was really clear to everyone that you and Tsukishima hated each other. The teachers tried their best to make sure the two of you didn't fight during or after class but even with the two of you on opposite sides of the class the two of you somehow found a way to piss each other off. Well, Tsukishima usually started it but you also managed to get under his skin.

One day your class had a substitute teacher. She was warned about the two of you so she tried her best to stop you two. However her best was not nearly enough and you had a few people holding you back, a few of the desks were turned over by both of you. Yamaguchi covered Tsukishima's mouth stopping him from saying anything else and the teacher and others were trying to get him to get out of the classroom.

"TSUKISHIMA YOU ASSHOLE!" Just as they got him out he spat one more comment at you. "If only closed minds came with closed mouths." You broken out of your fellow student grip. Tsukishima saw you running towards him and belted for it through the halls as you tried to keep up.

The class sighed in relief since it was no longer their problem but the teacher was scared for her life.

You took a sharp right, a left, down the stairs and outside chasing the tall blonde who was still shouting sarcastic remarks at you. He ran around a back corner of the school and hid in a bush. You turned the corner not long after and stopped to look around. "Tsukishima you ass! Where are you?" He then snuck up behind you and said yet another shit comment; this time about your short stature.

"Oh look! You're almost tall enough to be take seriously." You jumped and turned around to punch him but he caught your fist. You sent the second one to help free your first hand but he grabbed that one too and held them high above you. "HEY!" He snickered as you struggled to get loose.

You stopped and he looked down at you with a smirk. There was silence when your leg suddenly shot up in between him legs. "FUCKKKKK!!!" He yelled and let go of you. You then took the opportunity to jump onto him. You pulled his cheeks and tried to pin him to the ground. "Oi! Let go!" He yelled and then grabbed your cheeks too. You started pulling his hair with one head and he did the same with you.

That's when the day went form bad to worse.

"YOU TWO AGAIN!!!" A familiar voice boomed, one that you two heard regularly and one that scared the shit out of the volleyball team.


"MY OFFICE NOW!!" He screeched. You and Tsukishima got up and followed behind him. The other students were use hearing the two of you arguing in the office now and it always ended with the vise principle half dead and letting you both go since you would verbally kill him in an argument.

It was the same case today too and so both of you left the office untouched. You closed the door behind you and before Tsukishima could say something salty you walked off. You didn't really want to talk to anyone but a certain freckled boy wasn't going to let you keep to yourself.

"Hey (y/n)." He smiled as he blocked your way. You looked up and smiled since yamaguchi was always friendly with you. "Hey." You replied dully.
"I'm s-sorry about the stuff Tsukishima s-says to you." He nervously stuttered. You relaxed a bit and sighed. "Yamaguchi-kun. I love you and all and I know you mean well but Tsukishima..." you growled, unable to finish.

Yamaguchi then bought you outside and gave you a meat bun so you could calm down. "Tsukishima's an ass hole." You mumbled with your mouth stuffed. Yamaguchi chuckled and took a bite out if his own meat bun. "In all honesty, I think Tsuki means well." You looked at him with a blank expression a day he laughed. "Let me explain." He cleared his throat and continued. "Tsuki doesn't like talking to people. If he ever teases someone, it's usually for like one day. I think that because he's making the effort to talk to you is a good sign."

He turned to you again while you still wore a blank expression. "Talk? You mean make fun off and WHAT DID THAT BLONDE SHIT FEED YOU!? MAGIC MUSHROOMS TO MAKE YOU SEE CRAZY SHIT!"
"Just try reading between the lines when it comes to him."
"He does nothing other than be sarcastic and rude to me. It gets to me, you know. He pushes down my self worth."
"Don't worry about what Tsuki says, he's just testing you. Besides, I think your cool, funny, smart."
"Thanks Yamaguchi-kun, but why is he always to rude to me?"
"Because I'm alergic to stupidity and I break out in sarcasm."

You turned to see Tsukishima walk up to you and take a seat next to you. You give him a blank stare. "You're a dick."
"And you're a vagina, tell me something I don't know. Then again that's impossible since you're so stupid."

You growl and squish the meat bun in your hand. "Oh! You're not gunnar eat it? That's weird, the average person eat 5.46 pounds a day. You however eat twice as much." You were on the brink of killing him but dropped it and walked away.

Yamaguchi went after you and asked if you were alright. "How am I meant to read in between the lines when he says shit like that to me!?" He thought for a while and then thought of something. "He said 'the average person' so technically he's saying you're not normal."

You raised an eyebrow at him and he started panicking. "I DON'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT! I meant you're different...I guess." You thought for a moment and although you knew Tsukishima would never mean that you knew Yama was just trying to clam you down. "Thanks Yamaguchi."
"You're not falling for it are you?" You shook your head. He chuckled and soon went back to Tsukishima.

He found him still outside and joined him on the bench. "Tsuki maybe you should lay off the insults, just a bit." Tsukishima turned to him and plainly said, "it's true though."
"But yo-"
"She's different." Yamaguchi stared. He was lost for words. Usually Yamaguchi would say that Tsukishima was insulting you but the way his tall friend said it held no sarcasm at all. It was genuine.

Tsukishima then got up and walked off as he placed his headphones over his ears. "Come on, it's time for class." Yamaguchi then shot up and ran after him. They walked in silence until they got to class. Tsukishima saw you in your seat and Yamaguchi's mouth dropped when he saw him smile and walk up to you. He started teasing you and Yamaguchi smiled as you yelled at him.

They look good together.

Tsukishima x Reader ~ New MoonWhere stories live. Discover now